Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior, Issue #2190


April 24-28, 2023

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of April 24-28, 2023. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815.


APRIL 24, 2023

1. 88 FR 24812-01

Indian Health Service 

NOTICES Produce Prescription Pilot Program 2023 WL 3042710

2. 88 FR 24827-02

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Segregation for the Proposed Libra Solar Project in Mineral and Lyon Counties, Nevada 2023 WL 3042721

3. 88 FR 24712-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Technical Corrections for 62 Wildlife and Plant Species on the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants 2023 WL 3042754

4. 88 FR 24854-01


PROPOSED RULES National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Review of the Residual Risk and Technology Review 2023 WL 3042763

5. 88 FR 24831-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions 2023 WL 3042723

6. 88 FR 24831-02

National Park Service 

NOTICES Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records 2023 WL 3042724

7. 88 FR 24826-01

Bureau of Indian Affairs 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Tribal Transportation Program 2023 WL 3042719

8. 88 FR 24830-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Temporary Road Closure on Public Lands in Nez Perce County, ID 2023 WL 3042722

9. 88 FR 24827-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Establish Recreation Fees on Public Lands in the Anchorage District Office, Alaska 2023 WL 3042720

10. 88 FR 24790-01

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES PacifiCorp; Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment 2023 WL 3042690

11. 88 FR 24777-01

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the North of Lake Okeechobee Storage Reservoir Section 203 Study, Highlands County, Florida 2023 WL 3042678

12. 88 FR 24792-01


NOTICES Proposed Settlement Agreement, Clean Water Act and Administrative Procedure Act Claims 2023 WL 3042693

13. 88 FR 24693-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Air Plan Approval; Texas; Reasonable Further Progress Plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment Area 2023 WL 3042749

14. 88 FR 24708-01

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 

RULES and REGULATIONS Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines: Repair Criteria, Integrity Management Improvements, Cathodic Protection, Management of Change, and Other Related Amendments: Technical Corrections; Response to Petitions for Reconsideration 2023 WL 3042753

15. 88 FR 24835-01

Office of Natural Resources Revenue 

NOTICES Major Portion Prices and Due Date for Additional Royalty Payments on Gas Produced From Indian Lands in Designated Areas That Are Not Associated With an Index Zone 2023 WL 3042725


APRIL 25, 2023

16. 88 FR 25208-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Threatened Status for Wright’s Marsh Thistle With a Section 4(d) Rule and Designation of Critical Habitat 2023 WL 3057892

17. 88 FR 25011-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Amend the Las Vegas Resource Management Plan and Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Golden Currant Solar Project in Clark County, Nevada 2023 WL 3057851

18. 88 FR 25006-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Alabama Beach Mouse, Baldwin County, AL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 3057846

19. 88 FR 25007-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Sand Skink and Blue-Tailed Mole Skink; Osceola County, FL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 3057847

20. 88 FR 25008-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Endangered Species; Marine Mammals; Issuance of Permits 2023 WL 3057848

21. 88 FR 25013-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Arizona 2023 WL 3057852

22. 88 FR 25010-01

Geological Survey 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) Competitive Cooperative Agreement Program With State Geological Surveys 2023 WL 3057850

23. 88 FR 25009-01

Geological Survey 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Production Estimate 2023 WL 3057849

24. 88 FR 24944-01

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 

PROPOSED RULES Ten-Day Notices and Corrective Action for State Regulatory Program Issues 2023 WL 3057896

25. 88 FR 25014-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Land Exchange at Virgin Islands National Park 2023 WL 3057853

26. 88 FR 25080-01


PROPOSED RULES New Source Performance Standards for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and Group I & II Polymers and Resins Industry 2023 WL 3057898

27. 88 FR 24905-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Implementation of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act and Adjustment of Amounts for 2023 2023 WL 3057883

28. 88 FR 25072-02


NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Multiple Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) Information Collection Requests 2023 WL 3057875

29. 88 FR 24918-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Air Plan Approval; Oklahoma; Revisions to Air Pollution Control Rules 2023 WL 3057890

30. 88 FR 25028-02


NOTICES Climate-Related Financial Risk 2023 WL 3057861

31. 88 FR 24969-01

Food Safety and Inspection Service 

NOTICES National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection 2023 WL 3057805

32. 88 FR 24927-01

Federal Aviation Administration 

PROPOSED RULES Airworthiness Directives; Viking Air Limited (Type Certificate Previously Held by Bombardier Inc. and de Havilland Inc.) Airplanes 2023 WL 3057893


APRIL 26, 2023

33. 88 FR 25427-01

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 

NOTICES Commercial Leasing for Wind Power Development on the Gulf of Maine Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)—Call for Information and Nominations 2023 WL 3074413

34. 88 FR 25425-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Mobile, AL 2023 WL 3074411

35. 88 FR 25421-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2023 WL 3074407

36. 88 FR 25423-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Mobile, AL 2023 WL 3074409

37. 88 FR 25422-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Mobile, AL 2023 WL 3074408

38. 88 FR 25426-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion Amendment: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2023 WL 3074412

39. 88 FR 25401-01


NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Renewal and Request for Comment; Lead Training, Certification, Accreditation and Authorization Activities 2023 WL 3074384

40. 88 FR 25424-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Programmatic Clearance for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys 2023 WL 3074410

41. 88 FR 25474-02


RULES and REGULATIONS Federal Acquisition Regulation: Removal of FAR Subpart 8.5, Acquisition of Helium 2023 WL 3074472

42. 88 FR 25411-01

National Institutes of Health 

NOTICES Proposed Collection; 60-Day Comment Request; ABCD Study® Data Use Certification (National Institute on Drug Abuse) 2023 WL 3074399

43. 88 FR 25293-01


PROPOSED RULES Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Equitable Housing Finance Plans 2023 WL 3074479

44. 88 FR 25309-01


PROPOSED RULES Air Plan Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval; Missouri; Revision to Sulfur Dioxide Control Requirements for Lake Road Generating Facility 2023 WL 3074480

45. 88 FR 25398-02

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

NOTICES Boyne USA, Inc.; Notice of Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests 2023 WL 3074381

46. 88 FR 25380-02

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

NOTICES Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Notice for Exempted Fishing Permit Application 2023 WL 3074362

47. 88 FR 25383-01

National Telecommunications and Information Administration 

NOTICES Information Session for the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund’s First Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 2023 WL 3074366


APRIL 27, 2023

48. 88 FR 25512-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status With Section 4(d) Rule for Big Creek Crayfish and St. Francis River Crayfish and Designation of Critical Habitat 2023 WL 3115892

49. 88 FR 25543-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Species Status for South Llano Springs Moss 2023 WL 3115893

50. 88 FR 25673-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications 2023 WL 3115831

51. 88 FR 25672-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Sand Skink; Orange County, FL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 3115830

52. 88 FR 25680-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Receipt of Incidental Take Permit Application and Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for the Sand Skink; Lake County, FL; Categorical Exclusion 2023 WL 3115832

53. 88 FR 25686-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115839

54. 88 FR 25687-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115840

55. 88 FR 25691-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115845

56. 88 FR 25695-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115849

57. 88 FR 25688-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115842

58. 88 FR 25689-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115843

59. 88 FR 25691-02

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115846

60. 88 FR 25690-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115844

61. 88 FR 25694-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115848

62. 88 FR 25681-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications 2023 WL 3115833

63. 88 FR 25687-02

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115841

64. 88 FR 25613-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status for the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse With Section 4(d) Rule and Designation of Critical Habitat 2023 WL 3115908

65. 88 FR 25692-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115847

66. 88 FR 25696-01

National Park Service 

NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, NY 2023 WL 3115850

67. 88 FR 25926-01


PROPOSED RULES Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles—Phase 3 2023 WL 3115909

68. 88 FR 25684-02

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Public Meeting, Bears Ears National Monument Advisory Committee, Utah 2023 WL 3115837

69. 88 FR 25685-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Mineral Materials Disposal 2023 WL 3115838

70. 88 FR 25682-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Public Land Order No. 7921; Withdrawal of Public Land for Satellite Calibration in Railroad Valley; Nye County, Nevada 2023 WL 3115834

71. 88 FR 25684-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Notice of Termination of Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement for the Hiawatha Regional Energy Development Project, Wyoming 2023 WL 3115836

72. 88 FR 25683-01

Bureau of Land Management 

NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Tramroads and Logging Roads 2023 WL 3115835

73. 88 FR 26164-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Ownership and Control and Contractual Assistance Requirements for the 8(a) Business Development Program 2023 WL 3115896

74. 88 FR 25740-01


RULES and REGULATIONS Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2024 2023 WL 3115895

75. 88 FR 25491-01

Office of Foreign Assets Control 

RULES and REGULATIONS Corrections in the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations and Western Balkans Stabilization Regulations 2023 WL 3115883


APRIL 28, 2023

76. 88 FR 26432-01

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

PROPOSED RULES Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Alaska Facility Maintenance and Repair Activities 2023 WL 3121324

77. 88 FR 26244-01

Fish and Wildlife Service 

PROPOSED RULES National Wildlife Refuge System; Drain Tile Setbacks 2023 WL 3121323

78. 88 FR 26288-02


NOTICES Applications for New Awards—American History and Civics Education—Presidential and Congressional Academies for American History and Civics 2023 WL 3121250


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