Park Ranger Speaker Series

The Interior Library is proud to present a series of programs on the background and history of sites of interest in the Washington, D.C. region and around the country, as well as subjects highlighting the history of the United States. The one hour programs, presented by National Park Service Rangers, are presented virtually via webinar.

To register for a future Park Ranger Speaker Series program, please use our Park Ranger Speaker Series registration form. If the registration form does not work at your location, you may use the Library's contact form. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Interior Library by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 208-5815.

Webinar recordings of recently completed Park Ranger Speaker Series programs are available upon request. Please contact the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815, e-mail at or via the Library's comment form for more information.


Upcoming Programs

Yes, We Are a National Park!  The Creation of Independence National Historical Park
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET

In June 2024, Independence National Historical Park completed a yearlong commemoration of its 75th anniversary. Established in 1948, Independence NHP preserves much of America's colonial, revolutionary, and early national history, including such iconic sites as Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. But how did a national park come to be in the heart of Philadelphia? Please join Park Ranger Tom Daniels to learn about some of the complexities involved with creating an urban national park. This presentation will showcase dramatic photos depicting the efforts of the National Park Service to transform the landscape, preserve the historic buildings, and share the story of America's founding with millions of visitors.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program.



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