DOI Economic Contributions Reports

Grassland with flowers (lupine) in the foreground, mountains in the background, and few buildings in between.

The Department of the Interior’s programs, activities, and services support the well-being of Americans in every part of the Nation. The Department’s bureaus and offices work together to manage America’s natural resources to meet the demands of today, and to provide for future generations. The Department also has a unique mission to honor the Nation’s trust responsibilities and commitments to Native American, Alaska Native, and affiliated island communities to help them prosper. It is challenging to put an economic value on many of these activities. We can, however, evaluate how DOI lands and waters provide valuable ecosystem services, how DOI’s actions support socioeconomic well-being, and how DOI’s activities contribute to our Nation’s economy.

The Office of Policy Analysis publishes economic contributions reports highlighting the economic impact of the Department’s programs and activities. These focus on contributions to gross domestic product and the number of jobs supported through the Department's work. Here, you can download PDF copies of past reports back to Fiscal Year 2008. 

Banner photo: Lands and waters managed by Interior bureaus--like the Bureau of Land Management at North Park, Colorado--contribute to the Nation's economy in many ways. Photo: Bureau of Land Management, public domain

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