WIRAC Communities

Rural communities within the Western Interior Region (Region 6)

Alatna | Allakaket | Aniak | Anvik | Bettles | Chuathbaluk | Coldfoot | Crooked Creek | Dietrich Camp | Evansville | Galena | Georgetown | Grayling | Holy Cross | Hughes | Huslia | Iditarod | Kaltag | Kashegolok | Koyukuk | McGrath | Medfra | Napaimiut | Nikolai | Nulato | Ophir | Paradise | Poorman | Puimiut | Red Devil | Ruby | Shageluk | Sleetmute | Stony River | Stuyakok | Takotna | Wiseman

Map showing the boundaries of the Western Interior Federal Subsistence Resource Region, including communities listed previously on this page. Federally managed lands are shown, by agency. For assistance call (800) 478-1456.

Region Map

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