114-1 -- Directive System


Section Subject
114-1.102-50 Interior property management directives
114-1.103-50 Personal Property Releases (PPR)
114-1.104-50 Publication and Distribution of IPMD
114-1.104-50.1 Publication
114-1.104-50.2 Distribution
114-1.105-50 Authority for IPMD System
114-1.106-50 Applicability of IPMD
114-1.109-50 Numbering in IPMD System
114-1.110 Deviation



114-1.102-50 -- Interior property management directives

Interior Property Management Directives (IPMD) are issued only as needed to (a)supplement the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR), and (b) to implement other property management policies and regulations of the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration.


114-1.103-50 -- Personal Property Releases (PPR)
  1. Personal Property Releases temporarily amend the IPMD. They may be issued when time is limited, or the information is not of a permanent nature, or is subject to frequent change.
  2. Each PPR shall be numbered and those of a permanent nature shall be canceled when converted to a permanent directive.


114-1.104-50 -- Publication and distribution of IPMD


114-1.104-50.1 -- Publication

All IPMD and PPR issuances shall be published on loose leaf, white, or recycled paper, and transmitted as 410 DM Additions to the IPMD.

114-1.104-50.2 -- Distribution

All IPMD and PPR issuances shall receive the same distribution as FPMR amendments. Requests for a change in either the quantity or the address shall be forwarded to the Property Management in the Office of Acquisition and Property Management.

114-1.105-50 -- Authority for IPMD System

Interior Property Management Directives (IPMD) are prescribed by the Secretary under authority of 5 U.S.C. 301, 40 U.S.C. 486(c), 41 CFR 101-1.108, and other authorities specifically cited in the text.

114-1.106-50 -- Applicability of IPMD

The Interior Property Management Directives System applies to all bureaus and offices in the Department of the Interior unless otherwise indicated in the IPMD or specifically excluded by law.

114-1.109-50 -- Numbering in IPMD System

  1. IPMD are issued in the same numerical sequence as the material covered in the FPMR except that the agency identification number is "114".
  2. IPMD must be numbered "50" or higher to identify any part, subpart, or section that does not have a corresponding FPMR number.
  3. Bureau directives may be identified by alphabetical designation immediately following the Department Code (114), as specified below:

114A - Office of the Secretary
114B - Office of Administrative Services
114C - National Biological Service
114D - Fish and Wildlife Service
114E - Bureau of Mines
114F - U.S. Geological Survey
114G - Minerals Management Service
114H - Bureau of Indian Affairs
114J - Bureau of Land Management
114K - National Park Service
114M - Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
114N - Reserved
114P - Reserved
114R - Reserved
114S - Bureau of Reclamation
114T - Reserved
114U - Reserved
114W - Reserved
114Y - Office of Aircraft Services
114Z - Reserved

114-1.110 -- Deviation

Any deviation from the mandatory provisions of the FPMR and IPMD requires prior written approval. The head of each bureau and office may request such approval by submitting a detailed justification to the Office of Acquisition and Property Management.

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