Coordinating Agency

As the Natural and Cultural Resources (NCR) Recovery Support Function (RSF) Coordinating Agency, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) provides the NCR RSF National Coordinator.  Located in Washington, D.C., the NCR RSF National Coordinator manages the personnel and activities of the NCR RSF, provides access to entities that can authorize the allocation of assets, and ensures ongoing communication and coordination between the RSF’s Primary Agencies and Supporting Organizations. When the NCR RSF is activated for a particular disaster, the NCR RSF National Coordinator appoints an NCR RSF Field Coordinator to plan and implement NCR RSF recovery actions in the field.  The NCR RSF Field Coordinator is often deployed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Joint Field Office for the disaster.

DOI’s key functions as a Coordinating Agency include:

  • Obtaining response information and situational awareness from the National Response Framework’s Emergency Support Functions #4 (Firefighting), #10 (Oil and Hazardous Materials) and #11 (Agriculture and Natural Resources) that may identify future NCR recovery needs.
  • Coordinating activation and deployment of recovery personnel with DOI Bureaus and Offices through the DOI Environmental Safeguards Group and with the other Federal partners.
  • Coordinating and leveraging Federal resources for recovery of NCR.
  • Monitoring recovery programs.
  • Evaluating and developing recommendations to improve the effectiveness of Federal NCR RSF activities.
  • Coordinating, identifying, and managing the budget and finances for the NCR RSF operation, including those related to Mission Assignments and other agreements with FEMA and other agencies.
  • Encouraging Local, State, Tribal, Territorial, and Insular Area government leadership of disaster-impacted communities to take ownership of the recovery planning process and exercise local primacy and initiative.

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