FCHS Assisted Acquisition Services

The FCHS Assisted Acquisition Services is our step-by-step information for customers looking to utilize the FCHS Contract options. Get started with our Prerequisite Checklist, learn about the benefits of Cloud, and obtain an overview of the facilitated planning steps highlighted below. Our end-to-end process is broken into three major sections: preparation, solution, and execution.

1. Getting Started with FCHS

Understanding FCHS and Cloud Services

Welcome to the first step on the Cloud Program process, before you start, please review your:

Know Your Options

Understanding the different contract options, service lines, models, and vendors:

Key Dates

Dates, timelines and project milestones that you need to know:


2. Using the FCHS Catalog

Transition your current application or develop a new cloud solution

Gather your system requirements or collect your current system architecture:


3. Requesting Your FCHS Services

Request Services - Templates

Finding your solution

  • Cloud Hosting Services will work with the customer to identify the best and most efficient solution from the FCHS or other available contracts.

Template Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How we can help

  • Our Standard Offering: Up to two (2) hours for template guidance and consultative support

Still have questions?


DOI Cloud Contract: Foundational Cloud Hosting Services (FCHS) Documents: 

  • FCHS Section C - Description, Specifications and Work Statement
  • Security Control Standards, Security and Compliance Documents, Privacy Loss Plan
    Certain DOI documents are not publicly available. These documents can be provided to the customer upon receipt of a signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) from the Contracting Officer responsible for that organization.
  • Security Reference Architectures
    Enterprise Security Reference Architecture development and review services provide Agencies with specialized subject matter expertise needed to develop technical models to facilitate the deployment of IT services in a cost effective, efficient and consistent manner with minimal risk. The use of Standard Reference Architectures ensures that the cyber security solutions developed by Agencies across the federal government will be aligned with national initiatives.  For more information on existing reference architectures or to request assistance, contact FNS.NIS@dhs.gov.  For more information, please see the following links:
    Department of Homeland Security Federal Government Offerings, Products, and Services

Security Reference

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