Wildland Fire News

A selection of news releases and stories related to wildland fire management. For details about ongoing wildfires, visit the National Interagency Fire Center.

Welcome to FireNet, Where Wildland Fire Agencies Collaborate


With tens of thousands of wildland firefighting agencies spread throughout the U.S., achieving seamless information sharing and communication has historically been complex. FireNet provides a shared, secure single point of access to facilitate national wildland fire management across personnel from diverse organizations, regardless of affiliation.

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In the News: Wood Roofs are a $6 Billion Wildfire Problem (headwaterseconomics.org)


Millions of Americans living in wildfire-prone areas have homes that are not constructed with wildfire in mind. Roofs are highly vulnerable to wildfire due to their large surface area and potential for embers to accumulate. Understanding how many vulnerable roofs exist in wildfire-prone areas can illuminate the scale and cost of home retrofits needed to help communities adapt to wildfires.

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A New Study Gives Federal Wildland Firefighters an Opportunity to Inform the Development of Health and Wellbeing Programs


This summer, federal wildland firefighters with the Interior and Agriculture departments are invited to participate in a rigorous scientific study of firefighter health and wellbeing, including occupational hazards and mental health impacts. This study by the CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and UC Berkley will enable wildland fire agencies to hear directly from the firefighters impacted by the growing demands of more frequent, severe wildland fires.

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Investing in More Robust Mental Health Support for Wildland Firefighters


Wildland firefighters work in arduous, stressful environments that can take a significant toll on mental health. With support from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Interior and Agriculture departments have begun work to establish a program to recognize and address the mental health needs for federal wildland firefighters.

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