Renee Takesue on the USGS Culture


When do you feel most appreciated or
valued in your work? I love going to
research conferences and presenting work
that the USGS has done. Studies that are
exciting and cutting edge and like,
especially this integrated science with
all of the disciplines involved. And
getting feedback from colleagues who are
possibly, usually not government
scientists, about how valuable the work
is, what a great contribution, how unique
our approach is. We have abilities as
government scientists, both within the
USGS and as with our DOI partners, to do
types of studies that cannot be done by
other research groups. So that type of
feedback is so rewarding because that
validates the public service and that
also validates the mission of the agency.

USGS Chemist Renee Takesue in Santa Cruz, CA gives an inside look at USGS