Financial Reporting Division Chief

FRD Division Chief Kenneth Cason

Mr. Kenneth T. Cason is the Division Chief of the Financial Reporting of the Office of Financial Management for the Department of the Interior. As Division Chief, Mr. Cason is the principle lead on consolidating the Department’s financial statement and reporting, Agency Financial Report financial analysis section, reconciliation to the Statement of Budgetary Resources, Intergovernmental Difference Report and Reconciliation in accordance with Office of Management and Budget A-13 Financial Reporting Requirements, Statements of Federal Financial Accounting, Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board and the Government Performance and Results Act.

Mr. Cason brings 30 years of Federal service in areas of accounting and financial management systems. He arrives to Office of Financial Management from the Office of Personnel Management, where he served as the Chief of Cost Accounting and Analysis.  In addition, he served in roles as the Lead Accountant over the Reimbursable Business Operations Group responsible for preparing the consolidated financial statements for 10 programs within Office of Managment and Budget revolving fund business activity fund. He also led special projects in support of the Office of Projects and Initiatives, where he led the financial systems data conversion projects, managing the agency’s Revolving Fund financial activities, developing financial metrics, and developing and deploying an agency-wide managerial cost accounting system on a cloud environment.  

Prior to joining Office of Personnel Management, Kenneth worked for the National Park Service (Park Ranger, Operating Accountant, and Systems Accountant, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the United States Coast Guard. The span of Mr. Cason’s career has provided extensive work experience in the areas of general ledger analysis, large scale account reconciliations, financial statement preparation, metric reporting, and financial systems management.  Mr. Cason possesses proficiency in analyzing data using various software analysis tools such as Microsoft Excel and Access; and Ad-Hoc reporting tools such as Crystal Reports, Business Objects, and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.  Mr. Cason is pleased to re-join the Department of the Interior, as time spent with the National Park Service continuously holds his fondest work experiences.  

A native of Roanoke, Virgina and current resident of Prince William County, Virginia, Mr. Cason holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Saint Paul’s College, and a Master of Science degree in Information Systems Management from the University of Virginia. 

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