Making News

Making News



Additional videos of the Wildlife Officials Exchange shadowing experiences in Colorado, please see the KOAA News Video and the KRDO News Video.




Combatting wildlife trafficking and human and wildlife conflicts in East Africa through increasing media coverage. Find the Internews article here that features the new 2-year DOI-ITAP and USAID supported project 'Increasing East African Media  Coverage of Conservation and Wildlife Issues'.



erwin Siregar of uSAiD leSTARi and Rio Ardi of the orangutan information Centre discuss wetland restoration with NPS hydrologist Peter Sharpe in Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve.

DOI-ITAP featurette of 'Sharing Skills and Experiences by Supporting Indonesia's  National Parks' by Mark Flora. Featured here in Ranger Rendezvous, Vol. 35, No. 1, The Journal of the Association of National Park Rangers.




News Bulletins



DOI-ITAP News Bulletin September 2018
Guatemala Raises the Stakes against Environmental Crimes



Archaeologist Dr. Marcello Canuto, Director of the Middle American Research Institute at Tulane University and Co-Director of the La Corona Project, sits beside the ancient Maya altar that he and his colleagues discovered in the jungles of northern Guatemala. (Image credit: National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in Guatemala City / La Corona Regional Archaeological Project.)

DOI-ITAP News Bulletin September 2018
Ancient Maya Altar Discovered in Guatemala Reveals Conquest  Strategies, Reminscent of 'Game of Thrones'




DOI-ITAP News Bulletin November 2017
Guatemala Supreme Court Supports Environmental Protection





East Africa- Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT)

CWT Vol2 pic

Volume 2, November 2017
DOI Leadership, USAID, and the Kenyan government launch a partnership to end wildlife crime in East Africa. DOI technical experts recommend plan of action.



Doi Itap Factsheet Indonesia Parks 508 Compliant [pdf]




Volume 1, June 2016
DOI-ITAP and experts from NPS, FWS and BLM work with East Africa partners on natural resources management, law enforcement, wildlife forensics, and on a national conservation strategy.​


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