Water Supply

Electronic Resources

These databases are available to all departmental employees at their desktops. Employees who are teleworking may access them through the Department's VPN. Others must contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.



Open-Access Sources on Water Resources Management







Interesting Sites

  • Global Water Partnership
  • The Great Lakes

    Information provided by the Environmental Protection Agency
  • How's My Waterway? version 2 (formerly "Surf Your Watershed")

    Makes information available by geographic unit, which includes state, watershed, county, metro area, and tribe. Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Native American Water Rights in Arizona

    The University of Arizona Library is digitizing primary source documents relating to water rights for the Navajo, Hopi, and Pima Indian tribes in Arizona.
  • Stream Notes

    Produced quarterly by the National Stream & Aquatic Ecology Center, USDA Forest Service 
  • Water Topics (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Western Waters Digital Library

    Contains government reports, classic water literature, legal transcripts, water project records, personal papers, photographic collections, and video materials about the Columbia, Colorado, Platte, and Rio Grande river basins.


Water Supply


Federal and State Government Programs


Water Law



Local and Regional Water Projects Around the Country


Updated October 2022

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