About the Office of International Affairs

The Department of the Interior (DOI) collaborates internationally to manage natural resources, honor cultural heritage, supply water and energy, and advance scientific research on behalf of the American people. Our responsibilities are bilateral and multilateral, regional and global. The resources, watersheds, wildlife and landscapes that we manage and protect, the natural disasters we prepare for and respond to, the scientific research we conduct, and the needs and interests of the indigenous peoples we serve, all extend beyond the borders of the United States.



The Office of International Affairs (INT) facilitates, supports, and coordinates DOI’s international engagement to advance DOI’s mission and support complementary U.S. foreign relations objectives abroad.  We maintain long-term, direct relationships with our unique counterparts who have similar missions in other countries—typically in Ministries of Environment, Energy, Water, Natural Resources, Science and Technology, Culture and Indigenous Affairs.  

INT serves as the primary DOI point of contact for the other federal agencies which conduct international activities (including the State Department, USAID, and Department of Defense), foreign embassies and ministries, and international organizations. INT coordinates and supports cross-cutting international matters affecting multiple bureaus and offices, and those involving senior DOI officials, such as meetings between the Secretary and ambassadors and ministers. 

Within INT, the International Relations Division (IRD) coordinates DOI activities on international issues affecting more than one bureau or office, provides DOI input into bilateral, regional and multilateral relations of strategic importance, and supports international engagement by senior DOI officials. The Technical Assistance Division manages the International Technical Assistance Program (ITAP) which works with foreign countries in areas of DOI expertise, through agreements with other Federal agencies, international organizations, and foreign governments. INT's Passport and Visa Division provides assistance to DOI employees in processing passport and visa requests for official government travel. Our roles and responsibilities are further defined under DOI's Departmental Manual.

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