Finding IBIA Decisions

IBIA decisions can be found using the search engine on this website:

  • Click on "Search Decisions" located on the left side of this screen.
  • Select one of the available search options.
  • Select the IBIA Decisions (1970-Present) database.
  • Enter a case name, case citation, or key word or phrase.

IBIA decisions can also be found using the index below, if you know when the case was decided or you just want to review the most recent decisions. However, the index below may not always be as current as the IBIA Decisions database accessible using the search engine.


About IBIA
Finding IBIA Decisions
Indian Self-Determination Act
Procedural Regulations for Cases before the Interior Board of Indian Appeals
IBIA Jurisdiction
FAQs on Practice before IBIA
Finding Pre-IBIA Decisions



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