Appendix 4 – Action Plans

Strategic Human Capital Action 1: Accountability

Develop a management process and structure for dealing strategically with Human Capital issues.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Accountability


The Strategic Management of Human Capital in the Department of the Interior will be a “management” process that is strategically linked to the goals of the organizations.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]






Start Date


Completion Date

1.Establish the Human Capital Team, reporting to the Department's Management Initiatives Team.

July 1, 2002


2.Develop HCT meeting schedule and process for the review of significant Human Capital issues.

October 1, 2002

December 31, 2002

3.Hold regularly scheduled meetings to oversee:

· Implementation of the SHCMP

· Progress on all action initiatives

· Human Capital Scorecard measures, metrics and ratings

· Communication of Human Capital issues with the workforce

· Development of Bureau Workforce Plans

· Human Capital Policy issues

· Other Human Capital related issues

October 1, 2002




Progress will be tracked quarterly to ensure timelines are met.


Program will be considered a success if this plan is fully implemented.

Responsible Official(s):

Human Capital Team Designee:Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Workforce Diversity will be responsible for establishing the Human Capital Team and ensuring it meets regularly.

Bureau/Office Deputy Directors will be responsible for ensuring appropriate participation on the Human Capital Team and implementation of Human Capital Team recommendations.

Strategic Human Capital Action 2: Workforce Planning

Develop and implement workforce planning in the Department.As part of workforce planning process: develop a new employee tracking system; implement Department-wide exit surveys; identify competitive sourcing opportunities; develop a business case approach to restructuring; incorporate e-government plans; and develop a business management career path.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Talent

· Accountability


Ensure the Department's workforce possesses the necessary skills to accomplish the Department's mission and achieve its goals.Use the new employee tracking system to identify successful hiring and retention strategies.Use exit surveys to help develop improved retention strategies.Use workforce planning data to develop future competitive sourcing plans.Improve reorganization and restructuring decisions.Infuse the Department with business management skills.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1.Identify and disseminate workforce planning best practices within and outside of the Department.


February 28, 2003

2.Develop and implement new employee tracking report.

December 1, 2002

February 28, 2003

3.Develop employee exit surveys.

December 1, 2002

February 28, 2003

4.Develop and distribute, with budget formulation guidance, common approaches to and data elements for workforce planning.Ensure competitive sourcing is factored into workforce planning.

December 1, 2002

March 31, 2003

5. Develop and submit proposal seeking volunteer authority for all bureaus not covered by legislation authorizing the use of volunteers, with FY 2005 budget estimates.

January 1, 2003

September 30, 2003

6.Develop bureau and office workforce plans for MIT Human Capital Team, to be ready for submission with FY 2005 budget estimates.


September 30, 2003

7.Develop and implement a business-case approach for reorganizations and restructuring activities.

December 1, 2002

September 30, 2003

8.Develop and implement a systematic and measurable Department-wide approach for managing workforce diversity.

December 1, 2002

March 31, 2004

9.Develop strategies for business management skill development and career paths within land management bureaus.


June 30, 2004

10. Using FY 2004 workforce plans, develop a Competitive Sourcing strategy for FY 2005, and document in FY 2005 bureau/office workforce plans.

October 1, 2003

September 30, 2004

11. Identify and study reorganization and restructuring opportunities, using the business-case approach, to improve administrative functions and provide seamless service to citizens (such as the “Service First” initiative).

October 1, 2003


12.Update bureau/office workforce plans for future fiscal years, incorporating best practices and lessons learned.

October 1, 2003




During planning, development and evaluation stages, progress will be tracked monthly to ensure timely completion of workforce plans.

Responsible Official(s):

Human Capital Team Designee:U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Assistant Director for Budget, Planning and Human Resources will be responsible for ensuring development of the program, issuance of implementing instructions, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Director, Office of Personnel Policy will be responsible for issuance of policy.

Bureau Personnel Officers will be responsible for ensuring the program is implemented.

Strategic Human Capital Action 3: Performance

Develop processes and procedures to ensure individual employee performance is linked to the Department's Strategic Plan and performance goals.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


Individual performance measures will be linked to annual performance targets and the current performance management system will be reviewed and enhanced to ensure more direct qualitative assessment of employee performance and appropriate recognition of high performers. The integrity of scientific data and information is improved.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1.Develop and implement Code of Scientific Conduct.


December 31, 2002

2.Publish final departmental guidance on dissemination of information and procedures for the public to seek correction of published scientific data and file report.

August 1, 2002

January 31, 2003

3.Develop and implement SES Performance Management System directly linking individual performance plans to annual performance goals.

October 1, 2002

January 31, 2003

4.Implement Secretary's 4 C's Award and announce first recipient(s).


September 30, 2003

5.Monitor SES performance and evaluate results of new SES performance system on a quarterly basis.

January 1, 2003

September 30, 2003

6.Cascade performance standards linked to annual performance goals to next group of employees (after SES).

October 1, 2003

September 30, 2004

7.Review current performance management system (non-SES) and enhance or replace as necessary.

September 1, 2003

September 30, 2005

8. Determine need for pay and compensation flexibilities for facilities management and engineering personnel, develop appropriate approaches, and implement.

January 1, 2003

September 30, 2006



During planning, development and evaluation stages, progress will be tracked monthly to ensure timelines are met.


A program evaluation survey will be developed to determine executive satisfaction with the SES performance system.The survey will be administered to all executives receiving performance appraisals and their supervisor.Program satisfaction of 80% or higher will be considered successful.All employee performance standards eventually linked to GPRA performance goals.SES awards based on achievement of GPRA performance goals.

Responsible Official(s):

Human Capital Team Designee:Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Workforce Diversity (along with the HCT Co-Chairs) will be responsible for ensuring development of the program, issuance of implementing instructions, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Bureau Personnel and Training Officers will be responsible for implementing the program and ensuring adequate bureau resources are committed to making the program a success.

Strategic Human Capital Action 4: Common HR Practices

Develop Department-wide human resources management programs and processes to help attract, develop, and retain highly qualified individuals for both managerial and non-managerial positions to accomplish the Department's mission now and in the future.(E.g., common recruitment/hiring practices, common position descriptions, common vacancy announcements, streamlined hiring processes, utilization of special hiring tools and incentives, intern and PMI hiring.)

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


Streamlined and cohesive employment processes to attract, develop, and retain highly qualified individuals in mission critical occupations with high retirement projections and other succession planning needs.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1. Review, validate and submit for MIT approval a prioritized list of those career fields, from the 26 Career Groups, requiring immediate attention.

December 1, 2002

February 28,2003

2. Collect and assess bureaus' and offices' successful staffing and career development practices and utilization of hiring and retention tools; benchmark other agencies and industry for best practices; identify gaps in hiring flexibilities as related to mission support requirements; identify additional special hiring tools, incentives and flexibilities to support recruitment and retention requirements.

December 1, 2002

February 28, 2003

3.Conduct DOI Strategic Employment Practices Workshop (including Diversity and Executive Orders) to collectively review, address and develop more efficient recruitment and employment practices to support mission requirements.

April 1, 2003

April 30, 2003

4. Increase manager awareness of staffing tools, flexibilities, and incentives, and identify best-practice approaches to be used for filling positions (starting with the facilities management career group).

October 1, 2002

September 30, 2003

5. Establish work groups to develop, issue and implement standardized position descriptions for at least 5 career groups.


December 31, 2003

6.Determine balanced internal and external staffing strategies for meeting selected career group needs. Assess use and adequacy of existing management intern programs and tools, and/ or establish new programs to identify, recruit, hire, place and develop individuals.

April 1, 2003

May 31, 2004

7.Develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of streamlined hiring and placement processes related to the selected career groups.

May 1, 2003



September 30, 2004


8.Develop and implement Department-wide Presidential Management Intern (PMI) policy and formal orientation program; develop departmental comprehensive PMI training and development criteria.

December 1, 2002

April 30, 2003

9. Assess effectiveness of initial standardized position descriptions; as appropriate, identify and begin developing common descriptions for the next group of occupations.

December 1, 2003


10.Study Safety and Worker Compensation processes and systems, and develop improvements to automate and enhance case management, as appropriate.

January 1, 2003

September 31, 2005

11. Develop core competency information for critical occupations, beginning with facility management and engineering positions.

December 1, 2002

September 30, 2007



During planning, development and evaluation stages, progress will be tracked monthly to ensure timelines are met and spending stays within allotted budget.


A program evaluation survey will be developed to determine satisfaction with the number and quality of candidates to support the Department's mission needs.Reduced time to fill vacancies in critical career groups.Increase the number of new hires using special programs and authorities.

Responsible Official(s):

Human Capital Team Designee:The Director, Office of Personnel Policy, will be responsible for ensuring development of the program, issuance of implementing instructions, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Bureau Personnel Officers will be responsible for implementing the program and ensuring adequate bureau resources are committed to making the program a success.

Strategic Human Capital Action 5: Training and Development

Ensure the training provided to DOI employees is linked to the competencies needed to address current and future mission needs.Conduct a thorough training review within the Department.Develop and implement a plan to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and coordination of training and developmental opportunities offered to the Department's employees.Specific training programs or opportunities to be reviewed or developed include (but are not limited to) the following:

· New employee orientation training

· Internship programs, including Department of the Interior Management Interns, Financial Management Career Interns, and Presidential Management Interns

· Management and employee training to include 4C's (consultation, communication, and cooperation in the name of conservation)

· New and current supervisory training

· A mid-career exchange program

· Program evaluation training

· Senior Executive Service Candidate Development and Team Leadership Programs

· Development of business management skills

· Facilities management core competencies

· Department-wide manager's conference

· Safety training

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


The Department's employees will have the competencies needed to carry out the mission of the Department.Best practices in the provision of training will be replicated throughout the Department.Duplication of training resources will be eliminated, roles clarified, and departmental training facilities will collaborate to enhance training and developmental opportunities for employees of the Department.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1.Training Coordination.

a.Convene workgroup of training representatives from all bureaus to determine what training is currently offered within the Department, determine opportunities across bureaus for offering standard training, identify any training gaps, and eliminate duplication of common non-technical training.

November 1, 2002

November 30, 2002

b.Develop and implement combined website that catalogs training opportunities offered by all Bureaus and offices in the Department.


March 31, 2003

2.Training Program Development or Improvement – As part of its overall training review, the Department will evaluate on-going programs and develop new programs to ensure employees have the competencies to accomplish the mission and meet performance goals.

a.Management and employee training to include 4C's (consultation, communication, and cooperation in the name of conservation)

April 1, 2003

March 31, 2004

b.New employee orientation


June 30, 2003

c.Collaborative Action and Alternative Dispute Resolution training


September 30, 2003

d.Internship programs, including Department of the Interior Management Interns, Financial Management Career Interns, and Presidential Management Interns


September 30, 2003

e.Senior Executive Service Candidate Development and Team Leadership Programs


September 30, 2003

f.New and current supervisor training


September 30, 2004

g.Department-wide managers' conference

November 1, 2002

September 30, 2004

h.Business management training and career management, including Activity Based Costing Management


December 31, 2004

i.Program evaluation training

June 1, 2003

December 31, 2004

j.Establish a Mid-Career Exchange Program

January 1, 2003

May 31, 2005

k.Enhance Safety training programs.


September 30, 2006

3.Comprehensive Review. Establish multi-disciplinary review team (training, HR, budget, program managers, IT, procurement).

a.Establish uniformed definition for training and training cost structure (salary, travel, tuition, etc.).

January 1, 2003

June 30, 2003

b.Develop, implement, and deploy a Department-wide system to collect and analyze training data.

July 1, 2003

September 30, 2005

c.Bureaus and offices collect training data.

October 1, 2005

September 30, 2006

d.Analyze training costs to identify opportunities for efficiencies, collaborative efforts, and standardization, as well as linkage to mission delivery and strategic workforce planning.

October 1, 2006

September 30, 2007



During planning, development and implementation, milestones will be tracked quarterly to ensure timelines are met.


Training funds will be better utilized through more efficient and effective delivery of training.More employees will be trained at a lower cost per training session.

Responsible Official(s):

Human Capital Team Designee:Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Workforce Diversity will be responsible for conducting review of training and developing and implementing plan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training.

Bureau Training Officers will be responsible for implementing the policies and programs developed as a result of this action.

Strategic Human Capital Action 6: Indian Trust Management

Ensure the relevant DOI organizations have the appropriate structures, policies, and staffs to fulfill the Department's Indian trust management responsibilities in the 21st Century.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


Relevant DOI organizations have the human capital to fulfill Indian trust management responsibilities.

Milestones and Timeline

The timelines below reflect workforce planning initiatives for approximately 80% of trust management workload.Reengineering of trust business processes is underway.Using factors such as revenue generated, number of account holders and volume of transactions, decisions are made on the staffing of natural resources and trust officer positions on an agency-by-agency basis.The remainder of this workforce initiative may carry a longer timeline.

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1.Identify the senior Departmental trust management professionals (natural resources and financial management) and stakeholders to provide guidance and advise on WFP.

January 15, 2003

March 31, 2003

2.Analyze current workforce demographics and skill requirements for trust management.


May 31, 2003

3.Review departmentaltrust management policies and procedures related to people, positions and structure.


June 30, 2003

4.Obtain stakeholder comments and coordinate, finalize, and publish new trust management policy and organizational structures.

December 15, 2002

January 31, 2003

5.Assess current and future program workload: identify workforce skill gaps; identify strategies for addressing future workforce needs and development.


September 30, 2003

6.Reengineer trust management work processes; define roles and responsibilities of employees performing trust management work; and define skills and competencies needed to perform the work.

January 1, 2003

December 31, 2003

7.Identify trust management positions that will have a common set of duties and responsibilities throughout the Department and develop common position descriptions.

February 1, 2003

December 31, 2003

8.Review personnel system flexibilities, incentives and authorities to determine status and issues relating to trust management, develop new programs and implement.

February 1, 2003

December 31, 2003

9.Identify the most efficient common staffing models and methodologies that will allow for a consistent recruitment & retention approach for trust management positions.

October 1, 2003

March 31, 2004

10.Develop and implement a plan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training and developmental opportunities offered to trust management employees.


June 30, 2004

11.Seek pay setting orother legislative or regulatory authorities determined necessary to enhance trust management personnel system , and implement.

April 1, 2003

January 31, 2004

12.Using workforce planning, (including staffing plans and IDPs), determine and execute strategies to ensure that trust management staff are recruited, retained and maintain the necessary skills to effectively perform their duties.



September 30, 2004

(To be revised annually)



During development of planned actions milestones will be tracked quarterly to ensure progress towards deadlines.


Actions will be considered a success if: there is documented use of workforce plans in development of budget submissions and performance plans; staffing plans decrease the number of vacant positions in Indian trust management organizations; and IDPs improve the competencies of employees performing Indian trust management work.

Responsible Official(s):

The Indian Trust Human Resources Advisor will ensure requirements for workforce planning, staffing plans and IDPs are well communicated and understood.

Bureau Deputy Directors (or Office equivalents) with Indian trust management responsibilities will ensure that workforce planning, staffing plans and IDPs are completed as required.

The Associate Deputy Secretary will ensure the accomplishment of management actions required by this plan.

Strategic Human Capital Action 7: Wildland Fire Management

Develop and implement centralized recruitment, employment, and training programs that attract and retain quality candidates, to overcome shortages and to correct skills imbalances in the wildland fire management program.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Advance quality communities for tribes

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


Collaborative efforts across Bureau lines will leverage resources and improve effectiveness of recruitment and development and enhance retention.The supplemental fire management qualification standard will assist in overcoming skills imbalances in mid-level fire management positions.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1.Develop and implement Supplemental Qualification Standard for Fire Management Specialist positions.

July 1, 2001

October 31, 2002

2. Develop wildland fire management outcome-oriented performance measures in accordance with strategic planning guidance and incorporate in annual SES employee performance plans.


December 31, 2002

3.Prepare and submit statement of work to Fire Directors for approval to accomplish comprehensive workforce analysis, assessment of skill and competency requirements, and workforce plans to meet wildland fire recruitment and development needs.

November 1, 2002

December 31, 2002

4.Evaluate the effectiveness of current wildland fire recruitment outreach and hiring practices, identify barriers, and develop a national recruitment outreach strategy.

September 1, 2002


March 30, 2003

5.Implement wildland fire Safety Management Information System upgrade to provide more comprehensive accident information for use in developing safer work practices.


September 30, 2003

6.Develop and implement standardized fire fighter position descriptions, to include GS-2 through GS-5 entry positions, mid-level positions, and other specialized positions.

July 1, 2002



September 30, 2003


7.Assess current wildland fire recruitment processes and automated recruitment tools; pilot test and evaluate a centralized automated recruitment system for DOI bureaus in Wyoming; and, based upon lessons learned from “pilot,” expand centralized automated recruitment for wildland fire positions nationwide.

July 1, 2002


November 30, 2003

8.Develop and begin implementation of a comprehensive plan for meeting long-term training and development needs.

September 1, 2002

December 31, 2003



During planning, development and evaluation stages, progress will be tracked monthly to ensure timelines are met and spending stays within allotted budget.


A program evaluation survey will be developed to determine fire bureaus' satisfaction with the number of qualified candidates to meet the needs of the wildland fire program.Program satisfaction of 75% or higher will be considered successful.

Responsible Official(s):

The Director, Office of Wildland Fire Coordination, will be responsible for ensuring development of the program, issuance of implementing instructions, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Bureau Deputy Directors (or Office equivalents) will be responsible for implementing the program and ensuring adequate bureau resources are committed to making the program a success.

Strategic Human Capital Action 8: Law Enforcement and Security

Ensure Bureau and Office Law Enforcement and Security organizations have the appropriate structures, policies, and staff to fulfill the Department's Law Enforcement and Security missions in the 21st Century.

Performance Goals (GPRA) Supported – Partnerships and Management Excellence To:

· Improve health of watershed and landscapes

· Sustain biological communities

· Protect cultural and heritage resources

· Provide access to, enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, ensure optimal value for resources

· Deliver water and power in an environmentally responsible and cost efficient manner

· Expand access to recreation

· Ensure quality of recreation

· Receive and provide fair value in recreation

· Protect lives, resources, and property

· Advance knowledge through scientific leadership

· Fulfill Indian trust responsibilities

· Advance quality communities for tribes

· Increase economic self-sufficiency for insular areas

Human Capital Standards for Success Covered by This Action and Milestones:

· Strategic Alignment

· Workforce Planning and Deployment

· Leadership and Knowledge Management

· Performance Culture

· Talent

· Accountability


The Bureau and Office Law Enforcement and Security organizations have the human capital to protect lives, resources (including cultural and heritage), and property.

Milestones and Timeline

[Note: Milestones are numbered for tracking purposes only.Numbering does not indicate priority or sequence.Some actions will occur concurrently.]









Completion Date

1. Produce first draft of rewritten DM 446 to clarify and restructure Departmental policies, procedures, techniques and mechanisms on law enforcement.


June 30, 2003

2. Identify a group of senior law enforcement professionals within the Department to provide advice/guidance on human capital issues.

December 1, 2002

January 30, 2003

3. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of uniformed officers and special agents throughout the Department.

January 1, 2003

April 30, 2003

4. Clearly define the skills and competencies needed to perform the duties of uniformed officers and special agents, with particular emphasis on homeland security.

May 1, 2003

September 30, 2003

5. Obtain bureau comments and coordination, finalize, and publish new DM 446.

July 1, 2003

December 31, 2003

6. Identify law enforcement positions that have a common set of duties and responsibilities throughout the Department and develop common position descriptions.

October 1, 2003

September 30, 2004

7. Conduct a Federal-wide review and determine need for new DOI Law Enforcement pay and compensation policies, systems, or authorities and develop programs as appropriate.

November 1, 2003

August 31, 2004

8. Implement new DM 446 in all bureaus and offices.

January 1, 2004

December 31, 2004

9. Identify the most efficient common staffing models and methodologies that will allow for a consistent approach to filling law enforcement positions.Establish baselines for timeliness of fill actions to track improvement.

July 1, 2004

December 31, 2004

10. Implement new DOI Law Enforcement pay and compensation policies and systems under purview of Department.

September 1, 2004

December 31, 2004

11. Seek legislative or regulator authorities determined necessary during the Law Enforcement Pay review.

September 1, 2004

March 31, 2005

12.Determine the appropriate training (including development assignments) to ensure Department law enforcement professionals have the necessary skills to effectively perform their jobs and develop Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for all law enforcement employees.

October 1, 2004

September 30, 2005

13. Analyze effectiveness of new DM 446 and update the DM as required.

January 1, 2005

December 31, 2005

14. Based on the success of recruiting and retaining law enforcement professionals, evaluate whether there are special personnel flexibilities that should be explored to enhance the Department's effectiveness in this area.

January 1, 2005

December 31, 2005

15. Implement new Law Enforcement Pay and compensation authorities as received.

April 1, 2005




Evaluation of success in hiring and retaining individuals will be evaluated and monitored for additional required changes.


Highly trained and skilled law enforcement professionals available to perform the Department's law enforcement workload.A streamlined process is in place to evaluate and hire these individuals.The time it takes to hire law enforcement personnel is decreased by at least 5% and supervisor satisfaction with the skills (competencies) of their employees improve by 5%.

Responsible Official(s):

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Law Enforcement and Security will be responsible for ensuring accomplishment of milestones through coordination with bureaus/offices for issuance of policy, instructions and evaluating effectiveness of program.

Bureau Law Enforcement Directors will be responsible for implementing streamlined processes, implementing departmental policies and procedures, and ensuring the program is effectively managed within their Bureau/Office.

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