Inflation Reduction Act

Low point of Colorado River seen from the Hoover Damn in Arizona.

The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic and transformational investment toward achieving President Biden’s ambitious goals to tackle the climate crisis.  

Through the Law, the Department of the Interior received $6.4 billion, enabling our bureaus and offices to play a leading role in advancing key habitat restoration, land resilience and water projects, and securing environmental justice for historically disadvantaged communities.  

At the Interior Department, we know that successful implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act will be achieved through frequent collaboration with Tribal, local, state and federal leaders and their communities. We will continue to work together to get these essential resources to the communities who need them most.

Addressing Drought  

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act together represent the largest investment in climate resilience in the nation’s history and are providing much-needed resources to enhance Western communities’ resilience to drought and climate change, including protecting the short- and long-term sustainability of the Colorado River System. The Inflation Reduction Act provides nearly $4.6 billion to advance system conservation and mitigate drought impacts. The funding supports:  

  • Measures to address the short and long-term sustainability of the Colorado River System, including a new Lower Colorado System Conservation and Efficiency Program and Upper Colorado River System Conservancy Pilot Program;  
  • Planning, design and construction for domestic water supply projects for disadvantaged communities, including Tribes and U.S. Territories; and 
  • Pilot and demonstration projects that cover canals with solar panels to generate renewable energy and reduce evaporation in critical water supply regions

Restoring America’s Lands and Waters  

The Inflation Reduction Act provides $700 million to advance conservation, restoration and resilience activities on our public lands, and $500 million to support additional staffing at the National Park Service. The Department has released a restoration and resilience framework, to guide these strategic investments in line with the Biden-Harris administration's America the Beautiful Initiative. The framework includes a commitment to nine keystone initiatives which address climate change impacts, including through restoring the Klamath Basin, salt marshes and core sage brush areas; supporting habitat for salmon, bison and Hawaiian forest birds that hold cultural, subsistence and ecosystem significance; and enhancing communities’ quality of life in Appalachia by improving outdoor spaces and addressing legacy pollution. The framework also invests resources towards the National Early Detection and Rapid Response Network and National Seed Strategy.  

At a time when tackling the climate and biodiversity crises could not be more critical, this investment in clean water, clean air, wildlife habitat, cultural resources and open spaces will benefit people, wildlife and local economies for generations to come.

The funding includes:  

  • $500 million for projects related to conservation, protection, and resilience of lands and resources administered by the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management, including $15 million to be dedicated towards projects in partnership with the Indian Youth Service Corps and other conservation corps;  
  • $500 million for staffing capacity at the National Park Service;  
  • $200 million to address deferred maintenance in our national parks;
  • $125 million for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to address invasive species, augment climate; resiliency of habitats, and redact damage caused by climate-induced weather events; and
  • $125 million to supplement the Endangered Species Act, for developing and implementing recovery plans.

Advancing Climate Resilience  

As climate change drives longer, more frequent, and more intense heat waves, extreme storms, wildfires and coastal erosion, Tribal, Native Hawaiian and Insular communities are bearing a disproportionate brunt of these threats.  

The Inflation Reduction Act includes over $425 million to support these communities to prepare for and adapt to worsening threats brought on by the climate crisis.  

The funding includes:  

  • $225 million to support the Department’s voluntary community driven relocation program and annual Tribal climate resilience and adaptation grants to assist Tribal communities severely impacted by climate-related environmental threats;
  • $150 million to launch a Tribal electrification program to provide electricity to unelectrified Tribal Homes and transition to zero-emissions energy systems;
  • $25 million for climate resilience and adaptation activities that serve the Native Hawaiian Community;
  • $15.9 million to provide technical assistance for climate change planning, mitigation, adaptation and resilience to U.S. Insular Areas; and
  • $10 million to support Tribal fish hatchery operations.  

The Law also includes $23.5 million for the US Geological Service to produce, collect and use 3D elevation data and $150 million to streamline environmental reviews and authorizations.  

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