Federal Subsistence Board Increases Harvest Limit for Caribou in Unit 12 Remainder

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) approved Temporary Special Action WSA16-06, increasing the harvest limit from one to two caribou for the winter season in Unit 12 remainder for the 2016/2017 regulatory year.

Last edited 11/28/2016
Contact Information

Chris McKee

(907) 786-3572


The Nelchina Caribou Herd (NCH) is above management objectives, which raises concern about the herd’s long-term stability and degradation of range quality.  The Board believes that approval of  WSA16-06 will contribute to reducing the NCH population and help meet management objectives, as well as increase harvest opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users. 

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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View full news release /sites/doi.gov/files/uploads/nr_wsa16-06_0.pdf


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