2020 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #31 Subdistrict 6-C Personal Use Fishing

Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

This year’s fall chum salmon run fell below the threshold needed to allow personal use salmon fishing. The fall chum salmon run migration is essentially complete in Subdistrict 6-C. Personal use fishing for salmon and whitefish/suckers is being allowed in a reduced area of the Tanana River to provide fishing opportunity on other fish species while protecting fall chum salmon spawning locations.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Jeff Estensen, Area Management Biologist

(907) 459-7274

Toll free fishing schedule and counts: (866) 479-7387

In Fairbanks fishing schedule hotline: 459-7387

Personal Use Management Actions Subdistrict 6-C Salmon Fishing:

Personal use salmon fishing will open with 7.5 inch or smaller mesh gillnets and fish wheels for one 48-hour period from 12:00 noon Tuesday, October 13 to 12:00 noon Thursday, October 15, in a select area. The area of 6-C open to personal use fishing has been reduced to that portion of the Tanana River from the Wood River to 500 feet below the Chena River mouth near Fairbanks. All fish caught may be retained. Tributaries of the Tanana River remain closed.

A personal use salmon fishing permit and current sport fish license are required to fish. Weekly reporting is required if you fish. Report catch by 4:30 P.M. Thursdays at www.adfg.alaska.gov/harvest or call (907) 459- 7388. Permits are available online at www.adfg.alaska.gov/store/. A reminder that permits expire October 15th and due back to the department by October 25th.

Personal Use Whitefish and Sucker Fishing:

Personal Use whitefish and sucker fishing with gillnets and fish wheels will open for one 48-hour period from 12:00 noon Tuesday, October 13 to 12:00 noon Thursday, October 15, in a select area. The area of Subdistrict 6-C open to personal use fishing with these gear types has been reduced to that portion of the Tanana River from the Wood River to 500 feet below the Chena River mouth near Fairbanks. Only whitefish and suckers may be retained. Tributaries of the Tanana River remain closed.

Fishing with other gear for whitefish and suckers remains open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day in the Fairbanks Non-Subsistence Area (from the Wood River upstream to the mouth of the Volkmar River on the north bank and the mouth of the Johnson River on the south bank).

A personal use permit and current sport fish license is required to fish for whitefish and suckers in the Fairbanks Non-Subsistence Area. Contact the Fairbanks office to apply for a permit for the whitefish and sucker fishery.

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