Federal Subsistence Board approves changes to subsistence fishing regulations

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) met January 10-12, 2017 in Anchorage to consider 13 proposed changes to the Federal subsistence fisheries regulations, a request for reconsideration of a past proposal, and one wildlife special action. The Board also conducted Tribal and Alaska Native Corporation consultations. 

Last edited 01/13/2017
Contact Information

Caron McKee

(907) 786-3880 


Changes to the Subsistence Fishing Regulations

The Board adopted seven proposals to change the Federal subsistence fisheries regulations. 

Among the changes approved by the Board are:

  • Allow salmon harvest in Subdistrict 5D during closures, once the mid-range of the Canadian interim management escapement goal and the total allowable catch goal are projected to be achieved in the Yukon River at the Eagle sonar site.
  • Allow the use of drift gillnets for the take of Chum Salmon in the lower portion of the Yukon River (Subdistrict 4A).
  • Residents of Dry Creek are added to the customary and traditional use determination for salmon in the Glennallen subdistrict.
  • A clarification of net restrictions within the communities of Wrangell, Petersburg and Sitka.
  • Allow increased gillnet obstruction in the portion of Racetrack Slough on the Koyukuk River and in sloughs of the Huslia River drainage.
  • Revise the fishery season dates for the Kasilof River experimental community gillnet fishery.
  • Revise regulations for the Kenai Subsistence Community Gillnet.

The Federal subsistence fisheries regulations, effective April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2019, will be available statewide by mid-March. The regulations will be posted on the Federal Subsistence Management Program website, www.doi.gov/subsistence.

The Board supported a motion to further analyze claims submitted in the requests for reconsideration of the Board adoption of FP15-10 regarding the Kenai River Community Gillnet. Full analysis of these claims will be presented to the Board at an upcoming public meeting.

The Board rejected Wildlife Special Action WSA16-03, which requested Federal public lands in Unit 23 be reopened to caribou hunting by non-Federally qualified subsistence users for the 2016/17 regulatory year. The Board, however, committed to initiating discussions about user conflicts via an inter-agency working group.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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View news release /sites/doi.gov/files/uploads/fsb_meeting_results.pdf


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