Southcentral Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council to hold teleconference on Fisheries Special Action Request FSA18-02

The Southcentral Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council will hold a teleconference on April 17, 2018, to develop a recommendation to the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) on Fisheries temporary special action request FSA18-02. Submitted jointly by the Ninilchik Traditional Council and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FSA18-02 requests several modifications to Federal subsistence regulations to allow for implementation of the Kenai River community gillnet fishery for residents of Ninilchik during 2018, including establishing seasons, harvest limits and guidelines about fish retention and release.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Donald Mike
(907) 786-3629 or (800) 478-1456

The teleconference will begin at 9:00 a.m. on April 17, 2018, and should adjourn around 11:00 a.m. or when the agenda item is completed. The public is invited to call into teleconference by dialing toll-free (866) 916-7020 (passcode 37311548).  Individuals or agencies planning to present comments on this special action request should contact the Council Coordinator, Donald Mike, at the phone number or email address listed above, in advance of the teleconference.

Additional information on FSA18-02 can be found on the Federal Subsistence Management Program’s website at

The Federal Subsistence Board is committed to providing access to this meeting for all participants. Please direct requests for accommodation needs to the Office of Subsistence Management at
(800) 478-1456 or (907) 786-3888 or by e-mail, at least seven business days prior to the meeting.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at or by visiting

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