Regulations for the Subsistence Take of Wildlife Published in Federal Register

On November 23, 2020, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) published the final rule for the Federal Subsistence Management Regulations for the Taking of Wildlife on Federal public lands and waters in Alaska in the Federal Register (85 FR 74796). This final rule revises regulations for seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means related to the taking of wildlife for subsistence uses in Alaska for the 2020–21 and 2021–22 regulatory years. This rule also revises customary and traditional use determinations for wildlife.  

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Caron McKee

(907) 786-3880 or (800) 478-1456

The Departments of Agriculture and the Interior published the proposed rule on January 31, 2019
(84 FR 623) to amend the wildlife section of subparts C and D of 36 CFR part 242 and 50 CFR part 100. Publication of the proposed rule opened a public proposal and review process. The final rule reflects Board review and consideration of recommendations from the 10 Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils, Tribal and ANCSA corporation consultations, and public comments.

The revised Federal Subsistence Management Regulations for the Harvest of Wildlife on Federal Public Lands in Alaska book is available online at: Printed copies of the regulations book may be obtained at your local field office or by contacting the Office of Subsistence Management at (800) 478-1456 or (907) 786-3888, or by email at

Some of the changes in the final rule include:

  • In Unit 2, the sealing period for wolf trapping and hunting in Unit 2 will be extended from “within 14 days of harvest” to “within 30 days of the end of the season.”
  • In Units 7 and 15 on the Kenai Peninsula, Federal drawing permit hunts for goats (excluding kids and nannies with kids) will be established August 10–November 14.
  • In Unit 15, a Federal drawing permit hunt for caribou will be established, August 10–September 20, along with three new hunt areas, and a Federal drawing permit hunt for sheep will be established August 10–September 20.
  • In Unit 17, use of snowmachines to assist in the taking of a caribou will be allowed.
  • In Units 11 and 13, a community harvest system for caribou and moose will be established for Federally qualified subsistence users living within the Ahtna traditional communities of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Gulkana, Mentasta Lake, and Tazlina. The community harvest system will be subject to a framework that is to be developed by the Federal Subsistence Board.

The next call for wildlife proposals is scheduled for January 2021.

Members of the public can request an out-of-cycle change in a season, harvest limit, or method of harvest when unusual situations arise, such as a significant change in resource abundance that could not reasonably have been anticipated. More information on submitting a Special Action Request can be found at

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at or by visiting

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Nr Wl Finalrule 2020 [pdf]

View Final Rule in Federal Register


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