Federal Waters of the Coastal District and Districts 1, 2 and 3 of the Yukon River Closed to Subsistence Fall Chum Salmon Fishing

For Immediate Release:
July 14, 2022

The Yukon River is transitioning from summer season (Chinook and summer Chum salmon) management to fall season (fall Chum and Coho salmon) management. Because the 2022 fall Chum Salmon runs are forecasted to be poor with little to no harvestable surplus available for subsistence uses, closures to the harvest of fall Chum Salmon are necessary, and gill nets will continue to be restricted to 4-inches or less, with a maximum of 60 feet length. Manned fish wheels are an additional gear being provided at this time. Previous closures for harvest of Chinook and summer chum are still in effect.

Last edited 07/14/2022
Contact Information

Holly Carroll 

(907) 351-3029


The Federal In-season Manager, pursuant to delegated authority from the Federal Subsistence Board under Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA Title VIII section 816) has issued an emergency special action (2-FC-01-22) closing Federal public waters of the Coastal District, (as well as the Black River), and District 1 of the Yukon River to the harvest of fall Chum Salmon, effective 12:01 am, Saturday, July 16 until September 14.

Based on migration run timing, these same closures will occur in District 2, effective 12:01 am, Tuesday, July 19, until September 14.

These same closures will occur in District 3 and the Innoko River, effective 12:01 am, Thursday, July 21, until September 14.

The Coho Salmon run is projected to be below average, but retention of Coho Salmon will be allowed unless inseason assessment data indicates restrictions for Coho Salmon harvest are necessary. In all Federal public waters, fishing for Coho Salmon is limited to Federally qualified subsistence users.

Manned fish wheels may be used as well as dip nets, and other legal non-salmon gear, including hook and line, longline, jigging gear, hand line, beach seine, fyke net, spear, or lead. The retention of Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon and Sockeye Salmon are allowed from these gears. However, summer and fall Chum Salmon and Chinook Salmon must be released from these gears. If a Chum


or Chinook salmon is caught in 4-inch mesh gillnets, it should be released alive if possible, or if dead, may be kept. If fishermen are encountering prohibited Salmon in a particular area, they should move their net.

This management action was taken in consultation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). ADF&G managers have implemented salmon fishing closures for the non-Federal public waters of these areas at the same time. This Federal Emergency Special Action (2-FC-01-22) expires on September 14. After September 14, please refer to any ADF&G management actions that are in place or announced.

For additional information concerning Yukon River Federal Special Actions contact Yukon River Federal Manager Holly Carroll at (907) 351-3029.

Information about the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska. Fishery special actions are posted here: Fisheries Special Actions | U.S. Department of the Interior (doi.gov)  (https://www.doi.gov/subsistence/fisheries-special-actions). If you’d like to receive emails and notifications on the Federal Subsistence Management Program you may subscribe for regular updates by emailing fws-fsb-subsistence-request@lists.fws.gov.

For information concerning State management actions, contact Yukon River Fall Season Manager, Christy Gleason in Fairbanks at (907) 459-7274 or in Emmonak at (907) 949-1320.

The map below shows Federal public waters (shaded area) of the Yukon Drainage. The Yukon Coastal District is that portion of the Yukon-Northern Area between the Latitude of Point Romanof and the latitude of the westernmost point of the Naskonat Peninsula, including those waters draining into the Bering Sea. Districts 1, 2 and 3 boundaries are indicated by red numbers and red bars.


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FSA-02-FC-01-22-Coast-Y1-2-3-Fall Chum Close

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