Comments Requested on Proposed Changes to Federal Subsistence Hunting and Trapping Regulations for the 2018-2020 Regulatory Years

The Federal Subsistence Board is accepting written comments, through August 4, 2017, on proposed changes to Federal subsistence hunting and trapping regulations.  These proposed changes would affect Federal subsistence seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means for the taking of wildlife, and customary and traditional use determinations for the regulatory years July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Caron McKee

(907) 786-3880 or (800) 478-1456

The proposal book is available on the Federal Subsistence Management Program’s website at Printed copies should be available starting in the second week of July.  You may request a printed copy by contacting the Office of Subsistence Management at (800) 478-1456 or (907) 786-3888.

Comments should reference the proposal number and should be e-mailed to  Those without e-mail access may fax comments to (907) 786-3898 or mail them to:

Federal Subsistence Board - Attn: Theo Matuskowitz
Office of Subsistence Management
1011 East Tudor Road, MS 121
Anchorage, AK  99503

In addition to written comments, members of the public are welcome to testify at any Regional Advisory Council meeting.  The Regional Advisory Council meeting schedule is available at or you may call the Office of Subsistence Management for the dates and locations of meetings.  In addition, testimony may be given at the Federal Subsistence Board meeting in April, 2018.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at or by visiting

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View 2018-2020 Wildlife Proposal Book


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