What they are saying: Energy Revenue and Disbursement Receives Support

Last edited 09/29/2021

Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced on Bloomberg that the Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) disbursed $11.69 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 from energy production on federal and American Indian-owned lands and offshore areas. This represents a $2.76 billion increase in comparison to FY 2018, and is nearly double the disbursements allocated at the end of the previous Administration of $6.23 billion for FY 2016.

Read the full press release.


Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt joins Bloomberg TV to discuss energy revenue and disbursement.



Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski: “I’m glad that revenues from development on federal lands in Alaska are coming in to support our state. I hope and expect these revenues will continue to grow as responsible development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and other federal areas move forward. $11.69 billion is a tremendous return for our country, and I thank the Trump administration for advancing solid policies that are making the U.S. a global energy production leader and driving revenue growth.”


Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04): "President Trump has ended the harmful war on American energy, putting Americans back to work, and lowering energy costs. Today's encouraging announcement shows that under the leadership of President Trump and Secretary Bernhardt, revenues from energy production have doubled since President Obama left office. While radical liberals and serial environmental litigants try to limit energy production, states and tribes are reaping the benefits of President Trump's energy dominance agenda."


California Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA-01): "This Administration’s commitment to protecting America’s public lands while simultaneously utilizing our vast natural resources has been evident from the start. It’s very encouraging to see revenue produced from energy development is directly and tangibly benefiting the areas that produce it. I thank President Trump and Secretary Bernhardt for implementing policies that support our communities and build upon the foundation of America’s economy.


Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-03): “Revenue from America’s thriving energy sector continues to greatly improve the lives of millions of Coloradans. Colorado’s Third Congressional District is fortunate to have abundant renewable and traditional energy sources that have contributed to local communities by providing funding for recreation, roads and schools. This historic growth in energy revenues will continue to foster an environment for the responsible development of natural resources and allow for future innovation leading to cleaner, reliable and affordable energy for all American families.”


Louisiana Governor John Edwards: “This disbursement is further evidence that Louisiana has a major stake in a responsible and robust Gulf OCS exploration and production industry; from our citizens who make their living working directly on rigs and platforms, to the ports and support companies that provide employment and economic growth on our shores, extending even to the businesses outside the industry that nevertheless look to those companies and employees to be their customers and provide income that supports even more businesses and jobs. Louisiana has a long and proud history of supporting the oil and gas industry and that continues to be to the mutual benefit of the industry and the people of this state.”

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy: “Louisiana is one of the top energy producers in the country, and these revenues generated from Gulf energy production will support critical coastal restoration in Louisiana. The success of our energy production relies on maintaining a healthy and vibrant coastline in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise (LA-01): “The Trump Administration’s support of American energy dominance has played an important role in the revenue Louisiana receives from energy produced off our coast. Today’s announcement that we will receive more than $100 million from oil revenue sharing is welcome news for Southeast Louisiana communities that rely on this money to restore our coast and fight coastal erosion. While this is welcome news, it also highlights the discrepancy between offshore and onshore revenue sharing and the need for coastal states to continue fighting for the same 50% revenue sharing that the onshore states receive.”

Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins (LA-03): “President Trump has taken historic action to unleash American energy production, reversing years of bad policy and regulatory overreach. Louisiana understands the importance of the oil and gas industry, which employs thousands of families and provides the state with critical revenue. We’ll continue working with President Trump and his administration to promote American energy and the important revenue-sharing programs, like GOMESA, that benefit Louisiana.”

Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04): "As a representative of one of the nation’s top energy-producing states, I have fought and will continue fighting tirelessly to ensure Louisiana receives its fair share of revenues from oil and gas production in the federal waters off our coast. We are grateful to the Trump administration for prioritizing our state’s workers and recognizing our profound contributions to America's energy dominance. For far too long, excessive regulations from past administrations have crippled energy production and weakened our economy. This disbursement is a prime example of what can be achieved when we unleash pro-growth policies."

Congressman Garret Graves (LA-06): "President’ Trump’s pursuit of US energy dominance is working, and Louisiana – responsible for more than 80% of all offshore production in federal waters – continues to be a key component of that strategy. As GOMESA dollars are realized and put toward the urgent coastal restoration and resiliency projects across Louisiana’s coastal communities, and additional revenues toward education and other priorities, we’re ensuring the continued production of the energy America relies on and making strides toward long-term energy security."


North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum: “Responsible energy development on federally and tribally owned lands is producing substantially higher returns for states, tribes and individual mineral owners, with nearly $94 million disbursed in North Dakota in the last fiscal year alone,” Burgum said. “We appreciate the Administration, the Department of the Interior and our innovative oil and gas producers for driving this upward trend, which is providing more revenue to support infrastructure development, education and other programs and projects that improve the quality of life for tribal members and all North Dakotans.”

North Dakota Senator John Hoeven: “These increased revenues are the result of our efforts with the administration to provide regulatory relief for energy production, including on federal lands. By empowering the development of all of our nation’s abundant energy resources, we can help create good jobs for our citizens, ensure our country is energy secure and fund a wide range of priorities, like infrastructure, education, recreation and conservation.”

North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer: “President Trump’s energy dominance agenda works for North Dakota, and today’s announcement reflects that,” said Senator Cramer. “The dramatic increase in disbursements and revenue since President Trump took office demonstrates his Administration’s commitment to responsibly developing our natural resources.”


Mississippi Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-04): “Under President Trump’s Administration we’ve experienced a steady increase in offshore revenue generated through the oil and gas leases in the Gulf. These funds will help fuel Mississippi’s economy and play a huge role in conserving Mississippi’s coastline.”


Montana Senator Steve Daines: “American energy production is driving our economy in Montana and the nation, creating good paying jobs and economic prosperity. Our energy economy is critical for funding schools, public services, conservation and infrastructure priorities that are vital to Montana’s way of life. I’m thankful the Trump administration understands the importance of energy production and I look forward to continuing to work together to secure American energy dominance.”


Utah Senator Mitt Romney: “I’m pleased to see that energy disbursements are up again this year, with $71.69 million being disbursed to my home state of Utah. These additional revenues are critical to our rural counties, as they support high-paying jobs and provide our counties a stream of income to pay for schools, roads, and public services. As the administration continues to support Utah’s role in America’s energy independence and responsible energy development, we will see the creation of more high-paying jobs and more revenue directed to our rural counties.”

Utah Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01): "These disbursements reiterate the benefits of the philosophy that economic opportunity and recreation are NOT mutually exclusive. Secretary Bernhardt and the Trump administration have once again demonstrated a commitment to prudent management of our nation's natural resources."


Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon: "Federal policies have a significant impact on Wyoming, and the distribution of Federal rents, bonus bids and royalties are an important component of our state’s economy. The Department of Interior and the Trump administration clearly recognize the importance of energy production, and work diligently with Wyoming to ensure exploration and development of natural resources is done in a manner that preserves our state's unique landscapes.”

Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi: “I’m pleased these funds will be returned to Wyoming. This money will go back in our communities and can help pay for schools, transportation and public services people rely on.”

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso: “Energy production is a key driver for Wyoming’s economy. Increasing revenue is great news for our state and for the entire energy industry. Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration have helped turn America into an energy-dominant nation. It’s important that we build on these encouraging numbers by continuing to cut red tape and eliminate unnecessary regulations that limit U.S. energy production.”

Ryan Flynn, Executive Director, New Mexico Oil and Gas Association: "Oil and natural gas production on federal lands as a vital part of New Mexico‘s economy, and provides the funds our state needs to support public schools, build roads, and put first responders on the street. Because of this record-breaking growth, America is in control of our energy security and generations of New Mexicans have opportunities to succeed and thrive like never before."

Dan Naatz, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Affairs for Independent Petroleum Association of America: “IPAA is pleased with the positive fiscal impact oil and natural gas production on federal lands has for the nation. Too often, this important story gets overshadowed in the news cycle. The revenues generated on offshore and onshore federal lands help states fund public education, road and public construction projects, and pensions. Oil and gas receipts make a real difference in states from New Mexico to Alaska and we applaud all efforts to support continue access to federal lands for mineral production.”

Dan Haley, President, Colorado Oil and Gas Association: “Responsible oil and natural gas development in Colorado contributes to our way of life in many ways, and the revenues not only have a local impact, but also a national impact. That includes billions of dollars from development on federal lands that support the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Reclamation Fund, and the Historic Preservation Fund. These programs benefit our environment, protect our waters, and support the preservation of our communities.”

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government: “Rather than locking up our resources and denying states and American-Indian tribes, the energy development wealth they are entitled to receive as his predecessor did, President Trump’s energy dominance policy has doubled state and tribal federal payments since 2016 as our nation moves to energy independence and beyond.”

Kathleen Sgamma, President, Western Energy Alliance: "When presidential candidates talk about halting oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands, they’re forgetting, or willfully ignoring, the fact that production on federal lands is the second largest source of revenue to the federal government after income taxes. These revenues not only help fund the federal government, but are vital to western states and rural communities sustained by oil and natural gas development on non-park, non-wilderness public lands. The industry is also a major source of funding for conservation on public lands, all while disturbing less than a tenth of a percent of public lands. That’s a balance that funds education and other vital services across the West while protecting the environment."

Thomas Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance: "This announcement continues to show the fundamental positive change from the previous administration and was achieved in only a short period of time. Imagine what America could do if we truly open the spigot on federal lands and tap our true potential.

This is what energy dominance looks like and proves America's potential on federal lands when given the opportunity and should be the government "handout" every party should get behind, not the bait-and-switch tactics the Democrat party is offering in the Green New Deal. This is true stimulus, done right -- the American way."

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