Interior Launches Major Upgrade to Financial and Property Management Systems

USGS Latest Interior Bureau to Benefit from Good Government Initiative

Last edited 09/29/2021

WASHINGTON, DC – The Department of the Interior (DOI) today unveiled the latest upgrade to the Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) and in doing so improved the U.S. Geological Survey's capabilities by replacing the outdated, legacy core financial and property system the Survey previously used. The upgrade provides additional, integrated functionality across several related fields, including acquisition, financial assistance, fleet management, and personal property applications.

“Modernizing our financial and business management system will improve efficiency, lower costs, and make government work better and smarter,” said Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management, and Budget Rhea Suh. “I'm extremely proud of the professionalism and dedication the Interior team that has helped us reach this milestone and that is powering our good government agenda.”

Today's upgrade also provides new capabilities to the Interior bureaus currently using FBMS -- the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the Office of Surface Mining – all of which will now be able to use the improved FBMS for their real property inventory, management, and reporting.

With today's upgrades, and the addition of the Geological Survey, there are nearly 4,200 FBMS users within Interior. The Survey is the fourth bureau to implement FBMS, making the system operational in over 40 percent of the Department.

FBMS is a component of the Department's Good Government strategy, and enhances managers' ability to more rapidly access information and reporting capabilities, reduce duplicative data entry, and include end-to-end transaction processing. The FBMS system is also helping the Department improve financial accountability and transparency by standardizing business processes, strengthening internal controls, and supporting consistent reporting.

Interior is working in partnership with IBM Global Business Services to implement the SAP® Corporation's Enterprise Resource Planning System software and Compusearch Incorporated's PRISM acquisition and grants software.


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