AMERICA'S GREAT OUTDOORS: Salazar Announces $26.7 Million in Grants to States, Territories and Pacific Nations for Historic Preservation

Last edited 09/05/2019

WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced $26.7 million in grants from the Historic Preservation Fund to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories, and three independent Pacific island nations. The grants will enable the states to preserve and protect our nation's historic sites without expending tax dollars.

“These grants will enable citizens of every state and territory to keep alive their heritage as a vital part of the American experience,” Secretary Salazar said. “The grants are not only an investment in the story of America, but will also drive tourism and strengthen local economies.”

The Historic Preservation Fund is supported by revenue from federal oil leases on the Outer Continental Shelf. The National Park Service administers the fund on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior and uses the majority of appropriated funds to distribute matching grants to State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers.

“Throughout the country, HPF grants and other federal historic preservation programs help sustain and revitalize communities,” National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis said. “Historic preservation promotes heritage tourism and can transform under-utilized and often-vacant historic buildings into revenue-generators for local economies. The National Park Service is honored to be invited into so many communities and is proud to assist in saving and sharing history.”

States officials use the grants to fund preservation projects, such as survey and inventory, National Register nominations, preservation education, architectural planning, historic structure reports, community preservation plans, and bricks-and-mortar repair to buildings.

Ten percent of each state's allocation must be sub-granted to Certified Local Governments – city and county governments certified by the National Park Service and the state as having made a local commitment to historic preservation. These funds are spent on local projects, with selection decisions made at the state level.

Grants and programs funded by the HPF encourage private and nonfederal investment in historic preservation efforts nationwide. Recent achievements of the HPF can be found in its annual report at

For information about other National Park Service preservation, conservation, and recreation assistance programs available to communities, please visit

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Fiscal Year 2011 Historic Preservation Fund Grants to States

Alabama $467,946 Montana $431,209
Alaska $654,234 Nebraska $431,610
American Samoa
$501,742 New Hampshire $269,503
Arkansas $399,958 New Jersey $567,678
California $1,126,087 New Mexico $433,859
$528,963 New York $995,516
$381,991 North Carolina
Delaware $178,964 North Dakota
Dist. of Columbia $176,123 CNMI $63,829
$672,707 Ohio
FSM $234,153 Oklahoma $475,256
$554,920 Oregon
Guam $62,154
Hawaii $224,740 Pennsylvania
$378,970 Puerto Rico $293,500
Illinois $782,654 Rhode Island $228,646
Indiana $559,388 South Carolina
$491,801 South Dakota
Kansas $485,457 Tennessee $494,544
Kentucky $459,213 Texas $969,851
Louisiana $473,585 Utah
Marshalls $135,701 Virginia $538,948
Maryland $443,240 Virgin Islands $68,030
Massachusetts $560,379 Washington $566,155
$752,764 West Virginia
$584,643 Wisconsin $592,839
Mississippi $390,568 Wyoming
Missouri $578,077

Total $26,659,000

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