Methane Reduction Tracking

Methane reduction is a key component of orphaned well site plugging, remediation and restoration work. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law contains provisions to measure or estimate and track methane associated with orphaned wells. Methane may leak from orphaned wells in various ways. For consistency across federal, state and Tribal orphaned well programs, the Department provides guidelines and a Data Reporting Template With Definitions [xlsx]
to measure and track methane associated with orphaned wells. These reports are included in the Fy22 Ecrp Congressional Report [pdf]


Types of methane leaks from orphaned wells 

Diagram showing ways that methane can leak from well holes and the ground.

  1. Open well hole. 
  2. Open well hole and soils around the well hole caused by subsurface fractures in the well bore. 
  3. Multiple valves, connectors or cracks at the legacy well head or other infrastructure associated with the well. 
  4. The soils around the well hole.  
  5. The well opening after a heavy rainfall event or snowmelt in the spring when the groundwater forces methane that has permeated in the soil back into the well hole. 


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