

Attention DOI Financial Assistance Recipients:

DOI has now transitioned to GrantSolutions! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Recipient training resources posted here


What is GrantSolutions? 

GrantSolutions is a financial assistance management software platform that enables Federal agencies to manage grants and cooperative agreements through the entire award life cycle including pre-award, award, post-award, and closeout. GrantSolutions will streamline many current financial assistance management tasks through automation, standardization, and transparency. GrantSolutions creates a single system where funding applicants, federal staff, and award recipients can perform and monitor the status of their respective financial assistance management activities.  

The Department of the Interior (DOI) has chosen to partner with GrantSolutions to standardize financial assistance management procedures and increase transparency and efficiency across all DOI bureaus. View the DOI and GrantSolutions partnership announcement. Between May and November 2020 all DOI bureaus will deploy GrantSolutions for financial assistance management.  

GrantSolutions Deployment Schedule 

The DOI  transition to GrantSolutions occurred in three phases with DOI bureaus transitioning on a staggered schedule.  
  • Group A (transitioned on May 18, 2020):  Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement 
  • Group B (transitioned on October 13, 2020):  National Park Service 
  • Group C (transitioned on November 30, 2020):  Bureau of Indian Affairs/Bureau of Indian Education, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Departmental Offices, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, and U.S. Geological Survey 

What tasks can financial assistance recipients accomplish in GrantSolutions? 

  • View your award(s) and related information such as the grant number, project and budget periods, total approved federal budget, and award terms and conditions 
  • View PDF copies of your funding application and related award notice(s) 
  • Communicate with and send documents to federal staff via GrantSolutions “Grant Notes” 
  • Manage award amendments and view their status after submission 
  • Manage in-progress applications and view submitted and awarded applications 
  • Apply for non-competitive and mandatory awards 
  • Apply for directed award supplements 
  • View and submit program progress reports 
  • Create, edit, submit, and view federal financial reports 

What didn’t change after DOI’s GrantSolutions transition? 

  • Your open awards continued as described in the applicable Notice(s) of Award (NoA) and you will now be able to view the NoA directly in GrantSolutions. 
  • You are still be able to apply for competitive federal financial assistance awards through  
  • Recipient enrollment, account management, payment authorization, and payment disbursement did not change due to the GrantSolutions transition. If you received award funding through the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system you will continue to do so.
  • Recipient enrollment and account management did not change due to the GrantSolutions transition. If it was previously required, you still need to be registered to do business with the Federal Government through the System for Award Management (SAM). 

GrantSolutions System Access and Training 

DOI financial assistance recipients received system access and training according to their awarding bureau’s GrantSolutions deployment timeline. DOI award recipient user training was conducted via live webinars, which were recorded and posted below. 

GrantSolutions Training Videos and Q&A

Recordings of DOI Recipient user training can be found here:

While the above links contain training recordings from the Group A and B live sessions, all DOI recipients may access the training. In addition, general recipient training videos can also be viewed on the GrantSolutions website.  

Fact Sheets 

Summaries of GrantSolutions functionality.

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