2022 Agenda

2022 National Tribal BroadBand Summit

How to Attend

Register today for the 2022 National Tribal Broadband Summit! It will be an all-virtual event. Presentations and video will be shared with attendees via Zoom; however, a conference line will be provided for voiceonly participation. You do not need broadband to access the audio portion of the Summit.

The Summit will run from 1:00 PM ET until 6:00 PM ET, Tuesday’s, September 13, September 20, and September 27. You will receive instructions for how to access the conference and the dial-in information via email before the Summit. We have included two, 15-minute breaks each day.

Please note, all times below are for Eastern Time and are estimates. Individual sessions may start somewhat earlier or later than planned, depending on the progress of the Summit. 


Tuesday , September 13

1:00 PM - Welcome and Keynote Remarks

  • Blessing
    • Council Representative Dion Crawford, Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate

  • Keynote Remarks  
    • Secretary Deb Haaland, US Department of the Interior  
    • Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commission  
    • Director Crosby Kemper, Institute of Museum and Library Services  
    • Chief Lynn Malerba, Treasurer of the United States

  • Introduction: Federal Funding Panel  


1:30 PM - Federal Funding Panel



2:30 PM - Break


2:45 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Telecommunications Program Overview
    • Tedd Buelow, National Native American Coordinator, Rural Development, USDA  
    • Shekinah Pepper, ReConnect Senior Policy Advisor, Rural Utilities Service, USDA

  2. IPAWS as a Communication Tool to Alert and Warn Tribal Communities
    • Pamela Holstein-Wallace, Program Analyst, IPAWS, FEMA

  3. Tribal Broadband and Benchmarking Sustainability
    • Jesse Archer, Project Lead, Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
    • Lisa Hanlon, Cherokee Nation and CEO, Teltech Communications
    • Chris Key, San Carlos Apache Tribe
    • Amanda Smith, President at Native American Business Association
    • Matt Brogdon, Executive Director at Hesperus


3:45 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. Mapping Broadband Deployment: Census Blocks and Shapefiles
    • Department of Commerce

  2. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Telehealth and Broadband Resources
    • Capt. Heather Dimeris, Director, HRSA’s Office for the Advancement of Telehealth

  3. Funding, Implementation & Workforce Development
    • EnerTribe


4:45 PM - Break


5:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. NEPA for Funding and Deploying Broadband Infrastructure  
    • Department of Commerce  
    • Department of the Interior

  2. Enabling Tribes to Connect, Empower, & Prosper
    • Andrew Metcalfe, CEO Native Network

  3. Planning for Long Term Success, City of Albuquerque  
    • Catherine Nicolau, Broadband Program Manager 


Tuesday, September 20

1:00 PM - Welcome and Keynote Remarks

  • Keynote Remarks  
    • Secretary Gina Raimondo, US Department of Commerce
    • Assistant Secretary Alan Davidson, Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator, Department of Commerce
    • Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small; Rural Development, US Dept of Agriculture

  • Introduction: Intergovernmental Coordination Panel: Regional Solutions  


1:30 PM -  Intergovernmental Coordination Panel: Regional Solutions

  • Department of Commerce  
  • White House


2:30 PM -  Break


2:45 PM -  Breakout Sessions

  1. Toolbox for Deployment: Infrastructure Equipment
    • Department of Commerce  

  2. Tribal Healthcare Infrastructure
    • Ned Chini, Sr. Solutions Executive Digital Health Verizon Connected Health

  3. Broadband Data Collection
    • Jean Kiddo, Chair, Broadband Data Task Force, FCC
    • Sean Spivey, Senior Counsel and Chief of Staff, Broadband Data Task Force, FCC
    • Eduard Bartholme, Senior Outreach Director, Broadband Data Task Force, FCC


3:45 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. Managing Supply Chain Risk
    • Department of Commerce

  2. Implementing the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grant
    • Ryan Ponder, Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at MTA

  3. Technical Assistance Workshop: Applying to the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
    • Department of Commerce


4:45 PM - Break


5:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. BEAD Tribal Engagement Strategies  
    • Department of Commerce

  2. The Role of Tribal Libraries and Museums in Supporting Broadband Adoption and Digital Inclusion; Leveraging the FCC and IMLS Programs and Resources
    • Sue McNeil, Associate Chief Wireline Competition Bureau, FCC
    • Molly O’Conor, Attorney Advisor, FCC
    • Kate Dumouchel, Special Counsel, Wireline Competition Bureau, FCC
    • Nancy Weiss, General Counsel, IMLS
    • Anthony Smith, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, IMLS

  3. Planning for Long Term Success, Helpful Tips and Lessons Learned
    • Lauren van Schilfgaarde, Research Fellow, UCLA School of Law
    • Kori Cordero, Yurok Tribe  


Tuesday, September 27

1:00 PM - Welcome and Keynote Remarks

  • Keynote Remarks  
    • Danae Wilson; Assistant Director for Internet Access, WH Office of Science & Technology Policy  
    • Chair Shelly C. Lowe, National Endowment for the Humanities  
    • Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi, Social Security Administration  
    • Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland, Indian Affairs, Department of Interior  2022 National Tribal Broadband Summit

  • Introduction: Starting and Running a Tribal ISP


1:30 PM - Starting and Running a Tribal ISP  

  • Department of Commerce  
  • White House Danae Wilson with Tribal leaders


2:30 PM -  Break


2:45 PM -  Breakout Sessions

  1. Toolbox for Deployment: Operations, Maintenance, and Sustainability Equipment  
    • Department of Commerce

  2. Broadband and Digital Equity on Hawaiian Homelands  
    • Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism State of Hawaii

  3. Update on the Tribal Access Program for National Crime Information
    • Christopher Chaney, Office of Tribal Justice, Department of Justice


3:45 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. Permitting and Managing Multi-Jurisdictional Projects
    • Department of Commerce
    • Department of Justice

  2. Applying Geospatial Approach to Network Operations and Business Support Services  
    • Patrick Ryan, Solution Engineer, ESRI

  3. Your Home, Your Internet
    • Michelle Tinnin, Office of Native American Programs, HUD
    • Dina Lehmann-Kim, Office of Native American Programs, HUD


4:45 PM - Break


5:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

  1. Economics of Broadband/Broadband Use and Adoption Panel
    • Department of Commerce

  2. Technical Assistance Workshop: Post-Award Grant Management
    • Department of Commerce

  3. National Tribal Broadband Grant Updates
    • K. Denise Litz, Chief, Division of Economic Development, Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior
    • Dennis Wilson, Grant Management Specialist, Division of Economic Development, Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior