Federal Subsistence Board Approves Administrative Action to Enact the Customary and Traditional Use Determination for Moose Pass Adopted in FP23-08

For Immediate Release:
June 15, 2023

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) approved Emergency Special Action FSA23-04 to temporarily enact the customary and traditional use determinations adopted in proposal FP23-08.   


Last edited 06/15/2023
Contact Information
Scott Ayers
(907) 744-3824

This special action request, submitted by the Office of Subsistence Management, asked the Board to temporarily enact the customary and traditional use determination made by the Board during the Fisheries Regulatory Meeting in February 2023 until publication of the final rule in the Federal Register.  The action granted a customary and traditional use determination to the community of Moose Pass for all fish in the Kenai Peninsula District, waters north of and including the Kenai River drainage within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and the Chugach National Forest. 

This action by the Board is administrative in nature and is in accordance with their recent vote on proposal FP23-08.  This action takes effect starting June 15, 2023, and it will expire after 60 days or upon publication of the final rule in the Federal Register, whichever is sooner. 

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska. 

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NR FSA23-04 Board Action [pdf]



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