Federal Public Waters of Womens Bay and Afognak Bay Closed to Sockeye Salmon Fishing by All Users Beginning June 16

In an effort to conserve Buskin Lake and Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon, and in support of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), the Federal Subsistence Board has closed fishing for Sockeye Salmon by all users in Federal public waters of Womens Bay and Afognak Bay beginning 12:01 a.m., Saturday June 16, 2018 until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday August 14, 2018 (See Maps showing Federal closure areas for Afognak and Buskin Regions).

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Michael Brady
(907) 487-0226

The Afognak Lake drainage Sockeye Salmon run appears to be very weak.  As of June 12, approximately 4,059 Sockeye Salmon have migrated upstream past the ADF&G’s Afognak weir, while the desired escapement for this date should range from 9,951to 24,8787 fish.   Historically, by June 12th about 50 percent of the escapement should have passed the weir. It is unlikely, based upon the current rate of escapement, that the lower range of the escapement goal for Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon (20,000) will be achieved.

The Buskin Lake Sockeye Salmon run also appears to be very weak.  As of June 12, approximately 44 Sockeye Salmon have migrated upstream past the ADF&G’s Buskin weir, while the desired escapement for this date should range from 1,697 to 2,715 fish.   Historically, by June 12th about 35 percent of the escapement should have passed the weir. It is unlikely, based upon the current rate of escapement, that the lower range of the escapement goal for Buskin Lake Sockeye Salmon (5,000) will be achieved.

 In an effort to conserve Afognak Lake and Buskin Lake Sockeye Salmon, the ADF&G has prohibited commercial and subsistence salmon harvest in the marine waters adjacent to the Buskin and Afognak River drainages and also has closed sport harvest of Sockeye Salmon in the Buskin and Afognak Lake drainages.  Collectively, the Federal and State fishery management actions will ensure that Sockeye Salmon approaching and entering the Afognak Lake and Buskin Lake drainages have sufficient opportunity to reach their spawning grounds. 

ADF&G will continue to monitor Sockeye Salmon escapement into Afognak and Buskin Rivers on a daily basis.  Should Sockeye Salmon counts significantly increase, ensuring the escapement goals will be reached, the Federally regulated subsistence fishery for Sockeye Salmon may be re-opened before August 14, 2018.

These closures have been implemented by Federal Emergency Special Actions (SA-09-RS-01 and SA-09-RS-02) under the delegated authority of the Federal Subsistence Board.

Visit the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Facebook page or www.fws.gov/refuge/Kodiak/.  Questions? call the Refuge at (907) 487-2600 or at (800) 408-3514.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

Information regarding ADF&G Emergency Orders for these areas can be found at https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/

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Map of Federal Closure Area - Afognak BayView Full News Release


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