2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #25 District 6 Subsistence Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record which led to full season closures to subsistence salmon fishing. At this time, lower Yukon River assessment projects are complete for the season and very few salmon are entering the Yukon River. Subsistence fishing restrictions will be relaxed in the mainstem Tanana River on October 30 once majority of fall chum and coho salmon have passed through the area. However, tributary drainages including lakes will remain closed to subsistence salmon fishing through December to protect active spawning areas. To provide harvest opportunity, subsistence fishing for nonsalmon will be relaxed to seven days per week with 4-inch gillnets and selective gear in areas outside the mainstem Tanana

Last edited 10/04/2021
Contact Information

Christy Gleason, Area Management Biologist

(907) 459-7274

Toll free fishing schedule and counts: (866) 479-7387

In Fairbanks fishing schedule hotline: 459-7387

Subsistence Management Actions

Subdistricts 6-A and 6-B (Manley, Minto, Old Minto, Nenana, Healy, Cantwell and Lake Minchumina), including the Upper Tanana Area (the Tanana River from the confluence with the mouth of Volkmar River on the north bank and the mouth of the Johnson River on the south bank upstream to the Tanana River headwaters, which includes Dot Lake, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok, Northway and Nabesna):

Subsistence salmon fishing is closed and some nonsalmon gears are currently restricted. For the current schedule and allowed gear, call the recording: 1-866-479-7387.

Effective 8:00 a.m. Saturday, October 30, subsistence salmon fishing in the mainstem Tanana River will be open 24 hours per day, seven days per week with 7.5 inch or smaller mesh gillnets and all other legal salmon gear. All fish caught may be retained. 4-inch gillnet lengths will no longer be restricted to 60 feet.

For tributary drainages including lakes, such as the Kantishna River drainage:

Subsistence salmon fishing will remain closed through December.

Effective 8:00 a.m. Saturday, October 30, subsistence fishing for nonsalmon will be relaxed to 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Fishermen may use 4-inch gillnets 60 feet or shorter in length, other legal nonsalmon gear and selective gear such as manned fish wheels and dip nets. While using selective gear, fall chum salmon must be released alive immediately and coho salmon are strongly recommended to be released.

General reminders for winter subsistence fishing are as follows. Fishermen can continue to use legal nonsalmon gear. Only while ice fishing may a hook and line attached to a rod or pole be used in subsistence areas of District

6. A subsistence permit is required to fish for all species in Upper Tanana Area and for northern pike in the Tolovana River drainage, including Minto Flats. Permits are available at www.adfg.alaska.gov/store.

For Yukon Area advisory announcements and fish counts, visit www.facebook.com/YukonRiverFishingADFG. To receive advisory announcements by email, sign up at www.cfnews.adfg.alaska.gov.

View Full News Release here: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/applications/dcfnewsrelease/1337738950.pdf

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