2018 Yukon River Salmon Fishery News Release # 4: Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C Drift Gillnet Regulation Change

Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

In March 2018, the Board of Fisheries passed a proposal allowing drift gillnets to be used for subsistence salmon fishing in Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C of the Yukon River. This area includes the communities of Galena and Ruby. The intent of this regulation change is to offset the loss of set net sites due to bank erosion and reduce competition for fishing sites. No changes were made to drift gillnet regulations in Subdistrict 4-A. Drift gillnets are not allowed in District 5 or District 6. 

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Holly Carroll, ADF&G
(907) 267-2324

Fred Bue, USFWS
(907) 455-1849 or (800) 267-3997

What follows is a brief subsistence regulation summary for District 4, including all waters of Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C. These are not inclusive of all fishing regulations. Fishing periods and gear types allowed, and any further restrictions that may be required due to poor salmon run sizes, will be announced in future News Releases.

  • Drift gillnets may not be used before June 10.
  • Chinook and chum salmon may be taken by drift gillnets during subsistence salmon fishing periods when gillnets are allowed.
  • The maximum mesh size for set and drift gillnets is 7.5-inches.
  • Fishermen may always use a smaller size mesh than specified.
  • The length of drift gillnets in District 4 cannot exceed 150 feet (25 fathoms).
  • Aggregate (combined) length of set gillnets cannot exceed 900 feet (150 fathoms).
  • Fishermen may use nets of any depth for subsistence fishing in District 4.
  • Drift gillnets may not be used in Subdistrict 4-A Lower (below Stink Creek) after August 2.
  • There were no changes made to fish wheel gear specification


Map of District 4: Starting in the 2018 fishing season, drift gillnets will be allowed in all waters of Subdistrict 4-B and 4-C (shaded area) during gillnet openings.

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