2017 Yukon River Summer Salmon Fishery News Release # 5 - Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C Subsistence Fishing Schedule

Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

Early Chinook salmon should now be entering Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C. In order to conserve Chinook salmon while still providing some harvest opportunity, salmon fishing in the area will begin on the regulatory schedule and be restricted to 6-inch or smaller mesh gillnets. Once the first pulse of Chinook salmon enters the area, fishermen should expect management actions that will close subsistence salmon fishing with gillnets and re-open fishing with selective gear only. These closures will be implemented in upriver fishing districts and subdistricts based on migratory timing.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

ADF&G, Emmonak (907) 949-1320

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,  Emmonak (907) 949-1798

Subsistence fishing is currently open 24 hours a day, seven days per week with 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets and fish wheels.

Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C:

Effective 6 p.m. on Friday, June 16, subsistence salmon fishing will close.

Effective 6 p.m. Sunday, June 18, fishing will reopen on the regulatory salmon fishing schedule of two 48-hour periods per week with 6-inch or smaller mesh gillnets.

  • 6 p.m. Sundays until 6 p.m. Tuesdays 
  • 6 p.m. Wednesdays until 6 p.m. Fridays

Drift Fishing in Federal Public Waters

Federal regulations allow the use of drift gillnets for the subsistence harvest of Chinook salmon in Federal public waters in Yukon River Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C from June 10 through July 14 during scheduled gillnet openings. Federally qualified subsistence fishermen who want to fish with drift gillnets in Federal public waters of Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C may do so with 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnet gear until 6 p.m. on Friday, June 16 at which time subsistence salmon fishing will close. Effective 6 p.m. Sunday, June 18, fishermen may drift with 6-inch or smaller mesh gillnets in Federal public waters on the regulatory schedule. Anyone fishing outside of these areas are limited to set gillnets only.


During salmon fishing closures in all waters of Subdistricts 4-B and 4-C, fishermen may use gillnets of 4-inch or smaller mesh of 60 feet or shorter length. Chinook salmon harvested in 4-inch or smaller gillnets may be kept, however; fishermen are strongly encouraged to avoid fishing where Chinook salmon may be encountered.

Fishing schedules, test fish catches and sonar counts are available 24 hours a day at

(866) 479-7387 (toll free); in Fairbanks, call (907) 459-7387.

If you have any questions, please call ADF&G in Emmonak at 949-1320, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Emmonak at 949-1798.

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