2017 Yukon River Fall Salmon Fishery News Release # 28 District 4 Subsistence Fishing Schedule

Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area

Fall Season Emergency Order # 26

The 2017 fall chum salmon preseason projection is for a run size greater than 1.1 million fish. The estimated fall chum salmon passage at the mainstem sonar near Pilot Station through August 8 is 482,500 fish, which is well above the historical median of 260,000 fish for that date. Based on inseason run assessment from the Lower Yukon River projects, the fall run size is above average at the historical midpoint of the run, therefore relaxing District 4 subsistence fishing to 7 days per week is warranted.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Jeff Estensen, Area Management Biologist
Christy Gleason, Asst. Area Management Biologist
(907) 949-1320
Fred Bue, Yukon Area Inseason Manager
(907) 455-1849 or 1-800-267-3997

District 4 (from ¾ mile downstream of Old Paradise Village upstream to westernmost edge of Illinois Creek, including the Anvik River, which includes the communities from Anvik to Ruby):

Effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, August 10,  subsistence fishing in all of District 4 will be open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with 7.5-inch or smaller mesh size set gillnets and fish wheels. Drift gillnet fishing is open in the upper portion of Subdistrict 4-A (Stink Creek to the tip of Cone Point and includes Kaltag, Nulato, and Koyukuk) for the remainder of the fall season.

Koyukuk River: Subsistence fishing is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week with 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets and fish wheels.

Fishing schedules, test fish catches and sonar counts are available 24 hours a day at (866) 479-7387 (toll free outside of Fairbanks); in Fairbanks, call (907) 459-7387.

If you have any questions, please call ADF&G in Emmonak at (907) 949-1320, the ADF&G office in Fairbanks at (907) 459-7274 or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Fairbanks at (907) 455-1849.

This has been an announcement by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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