Secretary Salazar Announces $16.6 Million of Economic Recovery Funding to Modify the Spillway of Folsom Dam in California

Last edited 09/29/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced today that the Bureau of Reclamation has awarded a $16.6 million contract under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for modifying the spillway piers and gates of Folsom Dam to resist seismic loadings. The project is part of Reclamation's Infrastructure Reliability and Safety of Dams improvements. Folsom Dam is located approximately 20 miles northeast of Sacramento, Calif., near the city of Folsom.

The work was awarded to Kiewit Pacific Co. of Concord, Calif. The company will make seismic improvements to the existing dam gates and piers, to include the installation of pier anchors and bracing, the replacement of existing gate arms and other equipment, and preparation and support activities.

“These Recovery funds will accelerate the improvements necessary to reduce the risk and protect the people of Sacramento and vicinity in the event of an earthquake or other dangers to their safety,” said Secretary Salazar. “The funds are a good example of the President's program to jumpstart the economy while addressing safety, environmental and other challenges so the country can thrive in the 21st century.”

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 gave a total of $3 billion to the Department of the Interior.

Under the ARRA, Interior is making an investment in fixing water infrastructure and conserving America's timeless treasures – our stunning natural landscapes, our monuments to liberty, the icons of our culture and heritage – while helping American families and their communities prosper again. Interior is also focusing on renewable energy projects, the needs of American Indians, employing youth and promoting community service.

“With its investments of Recovery Act funds, the Department of the Interior and its bureaus are putting people to work today to make improvements that will benefit the environment and the region for many years to come,” Secretary Salazar said.

Secretary Salazar has pledged unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability in the implementation of the Department's economic recovery projects. The public will be able to follow the progress of each project on and on Secretary Salazar has appointed a Senior Advisor for Economic Recovery, Chris Henderson, and an Interior Economic Recovery Task Force to work closely with Interior's Inspector General and ensure the recovery program is meeting the high standards for accountability, responsibility, and transparency set by President Obama.

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