Transit Subsidy­ Mandatory Annual Recertification and Training for FY 2016

October begins the annual mandatory recertification process, required for all Bureau Transit Subsidy participants, to maintain transit benefits. The monthly maximum benefit remains at $130.00. 

Last edited 09/29/2021

To:            All DOI Employees ­ Transportation Subsidy Participants, Supervisors and Program Coordinators
From:        Roberta Richardson, Office of Facilities and Administrative Services (OFAS)
Subject:     Transit Subsidy­ Mandatory Annual Recertification and Training for FY 2016 (for Bureau participants only)

These instructions are intended for Bureau Transit Subsidy participants only. Instructions for Office of the Secretary and Office of the Inspector General participants will be sent separately.

October begins the annual mandatory recertification process, required for all Bureau Transit Subsidy participants, to maintain transit benefits. The monthly maximum benefit remains at $130.00. 

This recertification is a Department-wide undertaking; therefore, deadlines have been staggered to help with processing.  Please contact your Transit Coordinator to answer any specific recertification questions. To view the recertification deadlines, click the Recertification Schedule.

Participants: If you do not complete the recertification process by the prescribed deadline for your Bureau, you will be withdrawn from the Transportation Subsidy Program. If you are withdrawn because you did not complete the recertification process in time, you will not be reimbursed for lost funds.
Participant Supervisors and Program Coordinators:  To ensure adherence with prescribed internal controls, you are required to complete the Transit Benefit Integrity Awareness Training Course in DOI Learn prior to approving program applications. The Transit Training Completion Certificate will cover all Bureau participants until the next fiscal year’s recertification period. 

Please click the link below to access the Transportation Subsidy Participant Recertification webpage.  Once there, you may click on the link for the Recertification Instructions to begin the annual process: 

•    Mandatory Transit Subsidy Annual Recertification with Training

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