DOINews: USFWS: Summer Adventures Abound at National Wildlife Refuges

Last edited 09/05/2019

Deer along Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Wildlife Viewing Trail. Photo by Kimi Smith.

See nature in a new light. Summer's a great time to thrill to natural wonders at a national wildlife refuge and have fun in the process. Hear endangered red wolves howl, gaze at the heavens, tag butterflies, take a boat tour of wilderness islands.

Or choose from a host of other family-friendly events, such as bird festivals, guided nature hikes and learn-to-fish days.

Visit a refuge and learn how the Refuge System is protecting your natural heritage.

June 2014 Events

July 2014 Events

August 2014 Events

Looking Ahead

Submitted by: Susan Morse, writer-editor, USFWS

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