DOINews: Reclamation-Lower Colorado Region: Girl Scouts Rock the Dam

Last edited 09/05/2019

Girl Scouts Walking on Hoover Dam

Early Saturday morning on March 8, hundreds of Girl Scouts and their adult supervisors converged on the top of Hoover Dam for their annual “Rock the Dam” event to celebrate Girl Scouting.

During the event, scouts and their leaders exchanged souvenirs, conducted sing-a-longs, participate in hands-on activities, and as a “sea of green” took their ceremonial walk across Hoover Dam.

Girl Scouts Walking on Hoover Dam“We had close to 700 [Girl Scouts] registered, but I saw many family members who were not registered,” said Emily Smith, chief operating officer, Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada. “I'd venture to guess we were closer to 900 – 1,000 altogether.”

Scouts from Nevada, Utah, Arizona, California, Michigan and as far away as Pennsylvania exchanged S.W.A.P.S. “which stands for Simple Whatamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere” according to Smith. These handmade crafts are ‘swapped' and range from a theme from their scout group or their thoughts about the annual event.

T-Shirt Graphic - I Came, I Swapped, I Rocked the Dam! for Girl Scouts Walking on Hoover DamMusic was provided by the SongShare singers, a group of adult Girl Scouts from California and Nevada who get together to sing at Girl Scout events all over the country.

A great day at Hoover Dam – as the Girl Scouts from 5 to 17 years proudly walked across Hoover with their event shirts noting “I came. I swapped. I Rocked the Dam!”

Girl Scouts Walking on Hoover Dam

Submitted by: Reclamation Public Affairs
March 18, 2014

This story appears on Reclamation-Lower Colorado website here.

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