DOINews: BLM Kicks Off Month-Long Social Media Campaign for Great Outdoors Month

Last edited 09/05/2019

On June 1, 2014, the Bureau of Land Management kicked off a month-long social media campaign for the annual Great Outdoors Month in June. June is designated as Great Outdoors Month each year through a presidential proclamation and highlights the numerous benefits of getting outdoors on our American parks, forests, refuges, and other public lands and waters.

Photo from BLM My Public Lands Tumblr blog: Hiker on the Nez Perce Trail.

Great Outdoors Month features include National Trails Day, National Fishing and Boating Week, the Great American Backyard Campout, and National Get Outdoors Day. All month, the BLM will be posting recreation opportunities with #backyard2backcountry #getoutdoors and/or #greatoutdoorsmonth on My Public Lands Tumblr, @BLMNational Twitter and My Public Lands Instagram. BLM states will post information about recreation opportunities on their Twitter and Facebook accounts (see for a full list).

By: Bureau of Land Management

June 12, 2014

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