DOINews: Today is the 1st day of Open Season for Federal Benefits!

Last edited 09/05/2019

Today is the 1st day of Open Season for Federal Benefits!!

The Federal Benefits Open Season runs from

Monday, November 14, 2011 until

Monday, December 12, 2011

To view plan information and comparison tools, visit or

Beginning TODAY, eligible employees can make changes to or enroll in the following benefits:

Health Benefits

FEHB elections carry over from year to year. If you want to make a new enrollment or change your FEHB carrier, visit

Dental and Vision Benefits

The supplemental dental and vision elections also carry over from year to year. If you want to make a new enrollment or change your FEDVIP carriers, visit

Flexible Spending Accounts

FSA elections do not carryover from one year to the next.

Employees can enroll or re-enroll for 2012!

All changes / elections will be effective

January 1, 2012.

The Office of Personnel Management has a Facebook page for the Open Season.

Check it out at

You can also follow them on twitter at

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