DOINews: DOI Feds Feed Families Hero Feeds Feds to Feed Families

Last edited 09/05/2019

DOI Feds Feed Families Hero Feeds Feds to Feed Families

Pam Royal has fond memories of her mother. Growing up, Pam spent Sundays going to church and then to her mother would fix a big family dinner. Her mother not only fixed a big Sunday dinner for her extended family, but she always fixed enough food to share with others who were in need.

Her mother's example inspired Pam to prepare a “comfort food” lunch for her co-workers to encourage them to donate towards the Feds Feed Families food drive. Single handedly, she made pasta salad, fruit salad, lettuce salad, meatballs, chicken wings, rolls, and salsa, and baked sweet potato pies and cheesecakes. Fellow employee Gareth Reese made macaroni and cheese to round out the menu.

All who attended ate well and generously contributed $540 to be used to buy food at BJs. The funds enabled the purchase of 700 pounds of food that was contributed towards Interior's total donation of 9,835 pounds of food and nonperishable commodities.

Pam's mother would be proud as her legacy of generosity lives on through her daughter, who is truly one of DOI's Feds Feed Families Heroes.

Pam Royal with ASLLM food donation

Pam Royal with the food that was purchased with the donations from the “comfort food” AS-LLM luncheon

ASLLM employees at FFF lunch

ASLLM employees at Fed Feeds Families luncheon on August 4, 2011.


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