DOINews: MIB/SIB Occupants: Occupant Emergency Plan for Main and South Interior Buildings

Last edited 09/05/2019

To: Occupants of Main and South Interior Buildings

From: Laurence I. Broun, Director, Office of Emergency Management

Subject: MIB/SIB Occupant Emergency Plan

Our ability to safely overcome emergency situations in the Main and South Interior Buildings depends on the preparedness of every employee to swiftly fulfill their responsibilities during such events. To assist you in preparing for emergencies in MIB and SIB, the Office of Emergency Management has prepared an Occupant Emergency Employee Guide, which may be downloaded from the DOI website (

Please familiarize yourself with the general evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures and review the information for specific occupant emergencies. On this webpage you can also find the following information:

Employee Emergency Self-Identification Form for individuals with disabilities who require assistance during a building emergency. (This form should be delivered to the Disability Program Manager in the Accessible Technology Center, MIB room 2070.)

Links to information on how to prepare yourself and your family for emergencies that may occur in your home or in your community.

The Washington, D.C., Area Operating Status webpage, which displays: operating status from OPM for Federal employees in the D.C., area; building operating status for employees located in MIB and SIB; and information on local weather, traffic or other events that may affect DOI employees or their offices. You also may subscribe to receive messages via e-mail.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Bureau Emergency Coordinator/Office Emergency Point of Contact or the Occupant Emergency Coordinator for MIB/SIB, David VanderWeele,, (202) 208-5778.

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