218 DM 1-2 - General Program Authority - Outer Continental Shelf - Transmittal Sheet

  • xArchived
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

7/1/2021 - replaced document with updated 508 compliant PDF document.

This Departmental Manual (DM) Release provides the General Program Authority (218 DM 1) and
General Administrative Delegation (218 DM 2) for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
The program authorities previously assigned to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and described
in 218 DM 1 - 6 are consolidated as appropriate, updated, and reassigned to BOEM in 218 DM 1. The
administrative delegations in 218 DM 8 previously assigned to MMS are updated in 218 DM 2 and also
reassigned to BOEM.