Conveyance and Storage of Non-Project Water in the Starvation Collection System

Last edited 10/06/2022

The Central Utah Water Conservancy District and the United States Department of the Interior – Central Utah Project Completion Act Office, as Joint Lead Agencies (JLAs), have released the Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Conveyance and Storage of Non-Project Water in the Starvation Collection System Project (Starvation Warren Act). The Final EA has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality, and Department of the Interior Regulations Implementing NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 and 43 CFR Part 46, respectively).

The Proposed Action would allow for the conveyance and storage of 11,774 acre-feet (AF) of non-project water in the Starvation Collection System on a space available basis. All non-project water identified in the Final EA would require a Warren Act contract(s) with the U.S. Department of the Interior and compliance with Utah State water law. No other water rights would be affected by the Starvation Warren Act Project. Conveyance and storage would be in accordance with the following priorities:

  1. CUP Water (including the Midview Exchange Agreement water);
  2. Rediverted Instream Flow Agreement Waters comprised of 44,400 AF described in the amended Stream Flow Agreement of 1990 and 2,900 AF of Daniel Replacement Project water; and
  3. Warren Act Contract(s) (Proposed Action).

The Final EA and FONSI can be reviewed and downloaded from the project website at If you have any questions about the Starvation Warren Act Project, or would like a hard copy (or an electronic copy on a CD), please contact Sarah Sutherland at (801) 226-7100 or through email at

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