The Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters and Visitor Contact Station, in Swanton, Vermont, has been recognized as a Department of Energy FY2006 Federal Energy Saver Showcase Facility. This project exemplifies the principles of sustainable design, utilizing environmentally preferable materials, recycled content materials, energy and water conservation technologies and incorporating renewable energy systems which capture geothermal, solar, and wind energy. |
WASHINGTON – Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne today welcomed President Bush’s call for intensified efforts to increase energy efficiency in the Federal Government, saying Interior is ready to build on its accomplishments to achieve new levels of energy efficiency in its buildings, vehicles and operations.
“[W]e've got to be wise stewards of the environment, and dependency on oil makes it harder to be wise stewards of the environment,” the President said today after signing an executive order that requires federal agencies to lead by example in advancing the Nation's energy security and environmental performance.
The Order directs the agencies to reduce oil consumption in their vehicles; increase the use of renewable and alternative fuels; use more renewable power; reduce greenhouse emissions by lessening energy intensity in buildings; acquire more environmentally sound products; and invest in new sources of energy.
Interior is a leader in energy efficiency. The Department has 2,450 alternative fueled vehicles, has completed 867 on-site renewal energy projects, increased its use of bio-based diesel fuel six fold in six years, uses 330 billion BTUs of renewable energy annually and has built 47 certified "green" buildings. In the next few years, Interior will reduce its energy use 9 percent by 2008 and increase the use of alternative fuel in vehicles by another 10 percent.
"Interior will do its part to accomplish the President's ambitious goal," Secretary Kempthorne said. "The federal government is the single largest energy user in the world and one of the largest purchasers of goods and services in the nation. Because Interior protects the nation's natural resources, Interior can and will show its continued leadership in energy conservation."
Among Interior’s major accomplishments in energy efficiency and conservation during recent years are the following:
Green Buildings: Forty-seven Interior “showcase” green buildings have been built since 2000.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Alternative Fuel Use: Interior has 2,450 alternative fueled vehicles in its fleet and exceeded its goal for acquiring alternative fueled vehicles in FY2006. DOI has increased its overall vehicle fuel efficiency by more than 6 miles per gallon and reduced its vehicle petroleum consumption by nearly 15 percent compared to FY1999. The Department has increased its use of bio-based diesel from 14,000 gallons in FY2000 to more than 53,000 gallons in FY2006.
On-Site Renewable Energy Consumption: 867 on-site renewable energy projects have been completed at DOI facilities since 1990. Projects include solar energy and thermal (hot water) projects, geothermal heat pumps, and wind systems.
Green Energy Parks Program, a joint effort of the National Park Service and Energy Department, uses the national parks as demonstration areas to showcase energy efficient and renewable energy technologies to the public. Hundreds of national parks have significantly reduced their energy consumption while increasing public awareness of energy efficient technologies.
Facility Renewable Energy: In 2006, Interior used 330.4 billion British thermal units of renewable energy from on-site renewable projects and through purchases of green energy and renewable energy certificates. The use of solar and other renewable energy sources is highly encouraged.
Electronics Stewardship: DOI is the first Federal agency to require environmentally responsible life cycle specifications (purchase, use, and disposal) in an agency-wide contract for its computers. DOI purchased 16,000 “green” computers (desktop and laptop) in FY 2006.
Interior’s FY2007 goals include the following:
Energy Use Reductions: A 6 percent reduction in energy use department-wide in FY2007 and a nine percent reduction in FY2008. This is a 3 percent annual reduction, using FY2003 as a baseline.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Increase the use of alternative fuels by 10 percent annually, using FY2005 as the baseline. Reduce consumption of oil products by 2 percent annually using FY2005 totals as the baseline. Purchase plug-in hybrid electric vehicles where they are commercially available at a reasonable cost.
Buildings, Facilities and Vehicles: Contractors who operate Interior facilities and services must comply with the energy efficiency and environmental requirements of the President’s Executive Order.