Youth Leaders in Subsistence Management

Session 1:  March 5, 2024 @ 2:30 pm
Where:  Exhibit Hall, the Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center, Anchorage

Call in number 1-833-436-1163.  Conference ID:  357 572 075#
Microsoft Teams Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting 

U.S. Department of Agriculture – U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arctic Youth Ambassadors

Forest Service – Educating youth/communities to increase engagement in regulatory public processes

The Sitka Conservation Society and USDA Forest Service subsistence staff will provide an overview of their public engagement efforts and the development of an experiential learning course for high school students wishing to navigate the Federal Subsistence Program and other regulatory spaces. Staff will be sharing lessons learned in the development of their programs and what they view as critical components for growing youth programs and involvement across Alaska.

Arctic Youth Ambassadors – Meaningful youth engagement to advance Arctic priorities

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide an overview of the Arctic Youth Ambassador Program and how they are working with local Alaska partners including the Alaska Conservation Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, and the Department of State to empower youth in Alaska to influence global change through the Arctic Youth Ambassadors Program.  Since its launch in 2015, over 65 Alaska youth, ages 18-22, have offered invaluable expertise to address challenges impacting the Arctic.  The program uplifts crucial yet underrepresented voices in the Arctic arena, with over half of ambassadors identifying as Alaska Native and 80% are from rural communities across Alaska.  In the last year, our Arctic Youth Ambassadors have participated in numerous events across Alaska, and as far away as Norway and Iceland, to engage key decision-makers, leading experts, and their peer to advance U.S. and Alaska strategic interests in Arctic policy.  Several Ambassadors will be on hand to share their thoughts.  

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